A Practical Guide to Self-Mastery

The Fifth Agreement

Don Miguel Ruiz

About The Fifth Agreement

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In The Four Agreements, don Miguel Ruiz revealed how the process of our education, or "domestication," can make us forget the wisdom we were born with. Throughout our lives, we make many agreements that go against ourselves and create needless suffering. The Four Agreements help us to break these self-limiting agreements and replace them with agreements that bring us personal freedom, happiness, and love. In The Fifth Agreement, don Miguel Ruiz joins his son don Jose Ruiz to offer a fresh perspective on The Four Agreements, and a powerful new agreement for transforming our lives into our personal heaven. The Fifth Agreement takes us to a deeper level of awareness of the power of the Self, and returns us to the authenticity we were born with. In this compelling sequel to the book that has changed the lives of millions of people around the world, we are reminded of the greatest gift we can give ourselves: the freedom to be who we really are.
Estimated Reading Time: 7 hrs. 2 min.Page Number: 248Publication Date: 1 November 2011First Publication Date: 2010Publisher: Amber-Allen Publishing
ISBN: 9781878424617Language: EnglishFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

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About the Author

Don Miguel Ruiz
Don Miguel RuizYazar · 9 books
Don Miguel Ruiz 1952 yılında dünyaya gelmiştir. Meksika'nın kırsal bir bölgesinde büyümüştür. Don Miguel tıp fakültesinde okudu ve bir cerrah oldu. Don Miguel Ruiz İspanyolca ve İngilizce bilmektedir. Devamlı konferanslar verir ve ABD'de inzivaya çekilir. 202 yılı Şubat ayında ciddi bir kalp krizi geçirir ve kalbinin sadece %16'sı çalışır duruma gelir. 9 Ekim 2010 yılında bir kalp nakli ameliyatı olur. Yazarın eserleri yeni çağ felsefesine benzemektedir. mutluluğu elde etmek için Antik Toltek öğretileri üzerinde durmaktadır. 2014 yılında Watkins listesinin 100 En Ruhsal Etkili Yaşayan İnsanlar listesine girmiştir.