The Last Final Girl

Stephen Graham Jones

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Life in a slasher film is easy. You just have to know when to die. Aerial View: A suburban town in Texas. Everyone's got an automatic garage door opener. All the kids jump off a perilous cliff into a shallow river as a rite of passage. The sheriff is a local celebrity. You know this town. You're from this town. Zoom In: Homecoming princess, Lindsay. She's just barely escaped death at the hands of a brutal, sadistic murderer in a Michael Jackson mask. Up on the cliff, she was rescued by a horse and bravely defeated the killer, alone, bra-less. Her story is already a legend. She's this town's heroic final girl, their virgin angel. Monster Vision: Halloween masks floating down that same river the kids jump into. But just as one slaughter is not enough for Billie Jean, our masked killer, one victory is not enough for Lindsay. Her high school is full of final girls, and she's not the only one who knows the rules of the game. When Lindsay chooses a host of virgins, misfits, and former final girls to replace the slaughtered members of her original homecoming court, it's not just a fight for survival-it's a fight to become The Last Final Girl.
Estimated Reading Time: 6 hrs. 7 min.Page Number: 216Publication Date: September 2012Publisher: Lazy Fascist
ISBN: 9781621050513Language: İngilizce

About the Author

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham JonesYazar · 7 books
Stephen Graham Jones, deneysel kurgu, korku kurgu, suç kurgu ve bilim kurgu gibi bir Blackfeet Yerli Amerikalı yazardır. Son çalışmaları çoğu zaman korku olarak sınıflandırılsa da, 50 yaşın altında 22 kitap yayınlamış ve çeşitli spekülatif türlere daha fazla "edebi" tarzlar uygulamasından dolayı kutlanmaktadır.