The Chronicles of Narnia #6

The Magician’s Nephew

C. S. Lewis

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Bir şey kötü gitmeye başlarsa, bir süre için her şeyin daha da kötüye gittiğini görürsünüz; fakat o şey yeniden iyi gitmeye başladığında genellikle her şey çok daha iyi olur.
But inside itself, in the very sap of it, the tree (so to speak) never forgot that other tree in Narnia to which it belonged.
And all at once (they never knew exactly how it happened) the face seemed to be a sea of tossing gold in which they were floating, and such a sweetness and power rolled about them and over them and entered them that they felt they had never really been happy or wise or good, or even alive and awake, before. And the memory of that moment stayed with them always, so that as long as they both lived, if ever they were sad or afraid or angry, the thought of all that golden goodness, and the feeling that it was still there, quite close, just round some corner or just behind some door, would come back and make them sure, deep down inside, that all was well.
It’s in the houses that people talk, and do things, and have meals. Nothing goes on in the in-between places, behind the walls and above the ceilings and under the floor, or in our own tunnel.
221 syf.
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Yıllar önce Narnia kitaplarının bazılarını okumuştum ama şimdi baştan hepsini kronolojik sırasına göre yeniden okumaya karar verdim. Bu kitap her şeyin nasıl başladığını güzelce açıklıyor. Aynı zamanda güzel ve hızlı bir macera sunuyor. Çocukluğumdan bu yana çok sevdiğim Narnia dünyasının kurulmasını okumak benim hoşuma gitti. Bunları merak eden kitabı eline alabilir.
The Magician’s Nephew
The Magician’s NephewC. S. Lewis · Harper Collins Publishers · 20052,815 okunma
Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.
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