The Nam

John Dee

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"The Nam!" By John Dee & Katt Lynn Whether; you were in "The Nam!", or not; "The Nam!' is for you. Whether; you were in the military, or not. "The Nam!" is for you. Whether; you are in the military, or not. "The Nam!" is for you. Whether; you were against the war in Vietnam, or for it. "The Nam!" is for you. Whether; you ran away to Canada, or stayed home and protested. "The Nam!" is for you. Whether; burnt your draft card, or volunteered; "The Nam!" is for you. If you are old enough to join the arm services; "The Nam!" is a Must Read. John Dee & Katt Lynn brings you the Vietnam War, as it has never been seen before.
John Dee
John Dee
Estimated Reading Time: 3 hrs. 27 min.Page Number: 122Publication Date: July 2014Publisher: John Dee
ISBN: 9781310060441Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

About the Author

John Dee
John DeeYazar · 2 books
John Dee, İngiliz matematikçi, astronom, astrolog, okült, seyir, emperyalist, ve yazar. Dee, Kraliçe I. Elizabeth'in danışmanlığı yapmış, hayatını simya, kehanet ve Hermetik felsefeye adamıştır.