A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win

The Phonix Project

Gene Kim

About The Phonix Project

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Bill is an IT manager at Parts Unlimited. It's Tuesday morning and on his drive into the office, Bill gets a call from the CEO. The company's new IT initiative, code named Phoenix Project, is critical to the future of Parts Unlimited, but the project is massively over budget and very late. The CEO wants Bill to report directly to him and fix the mess in ninety days or else Bill's entire department will be outsourced. With the help of a prospective board member and his mysterious philosophy of The Three Ways, Bill starts to see that IT work has more in common with manufacturing plant work than he ever imagined. With the clock ticking, Bill must organize work flow streamline interdepartmental communications, and effectively serve the other business functions at Parts Unlimited. In a fast-paced and entertaining style, three luminaries of the DevOps movement deliver a story that anyone who works in IT will recognize. Readers will not only learn how to improve their own IT organizations, they'll never view IT the same way again.
Gene Kim
Gene Kim
Kevin Behr
Kevin Behr
Estimated Reading Time: 9 hrs. 47 min.Page Number: 345Publication Date: 10 January 2013Publisher: IT Revolution PressOriginal Title: The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win
ISBN: 9780988262591Country: United States of AmericaLanguage: İngilizceFormat: Ciltli

Book Statistics

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About the Author

Gene Kim
Gene KimYazar · 1 books
Tripwire’ın kuruculuğunu üstlenmiş ve bu süre içerisinde CTO olarak kariyerine devam etmiştir. Özellikle bilişim teknolojileri alanında birçok firma ile çalışmış ve bu alanda uzmanlaşmıştır. 2007 yılında ComputerWorld tarafından “40 Yaşın Altındaki 40 Yenilikçi İnsan” listesine eklenmiş ve mesleğinde gösterdiği başarı ve liderlik özellikleriyle Purdue Üniversitesi bünyesinde bulunan Bilgisayar Bilimleri Bölümü tarafından Outstanding Alumnus Ödülü’ne layık görülmüştür.