The Seven Necessary Sins for Women and Girls

Mona Eltahawy

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Make your heart too rebellious for patriarchy to plant itself within you. Make your mind too free for facism to chain your imagination.
Sayfa 6
I could write a whole other book called "Things You Will Hear When You Say You've Been Sexually Assaulted" Observe: •You are too ugly to be sexually asssulted •You are being paid to say this • You just want to be famous •You just want attention •You just want to destroy Islam •You want to make Muslim men look bad •You are a whore •You imagined it; it was crowded •Why didn't you report it? •You waited all that time. Why? • What do you expect? Sexual assault happens everywhere. • Why aren't you talking about sexual assault in New Zealand •You should have yelled and made a fuss.
Sayfa 10
I want patriarchy to know that feminism is rage unleashed against its centuries of crime against women and girls around the world, crimes that are justified by "culture" and "tradition" and "its just the way things are," all of which are euphemisms for "this world is run by men for benefit of men". We must declare a feminism that is robust, aggressive and unapologetic. It is only way to combat a patriarchy that is systemic.
Sayfa 13
Rape has always been used as a weapon of war; expected and accepted as such. The brave women who spoke out about it forced us to reckon with horrors that too many prefers not to see
Sayfa 16
Bana bir Arap ülkesi söyleyin ben de size o ülkede kadınlara karşı tekrar tekrar işlenen istismarların listesini ezbere sayayım bu istismarlar kültür ve dinin zehirli bir karışımından besleniyor ve çok azı bu karışıma bir panzehir üretmeye istekli görünüyor;