The Story of Philosophy

Bryan Magee

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Now updated and with a fresh new look, the highly successful The Story of Philosophy traces more than 2,500 years of Western philosophy, from Plato and Aristotle in ancient Greece to Saint Augustine and medieval philosophy, the golden century of German philosophy, Bertrand Russell and Albert Camus of the modern era, and much more. World-renowned philosopher and professor Bryan Magee expertly guides your exploration through the major philosophical issues, the important questions, and the key contributions of the great philosophers in this illustrated, accessible guide. Discover the great thinkers in their historical contexts and learn the influences that shaped their lives and work. In The Story of Philosophy, Revised and Updated, each philosophical movement includes profiles of key philosophers and their important works, historical contexts and influences, important quotes, and other related people and ideas. Full-color photographs, artworks, and illustrations illuminate every page. The Story of Philosophy, Revised and Updated gives you the information you need to think about life's greatest questions, opening up the world of philosophical ideas in a way that can be easily understood by students and by anyone fascinated by the ways we form our social, political, and ethical ideas.
Bryan Magee
Bryan Magee
Estimated Reading Time: 6 hrs. 48 min.Page Number: 240Publication Date: 1 July 2001First Publication Date: 1998Publisher: DK Adult
ISBN: 9780789479945Language: İngilizceFormat: Karton kapak

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About the Author

Bryan Magee
Bryan MageeYazar · 5 books
Profesör Bryan Magee Oxford University'de Tarih, Felsefe, Politika ve Ekonomi dalında eğitim görmüş ve Oxford Union'ın başkanı olmuştur. 1956'da Yale'de felsefe dalındaki öğretim görevini bağımsız bir yazar ve eleştirmen olarak çalışmak üzere bırakmıştır. 1984'ten 1994'e kadar Onursal Yardımcı Araştırmacı olduğu London University, King's College, History of Ideas'da halen Danışman profesör olarak çalışmaktadır. Büyük filozoflar ve Felsefenin Öyküsü Türkçeye çevrilmiştir.