The Thirty Nine Steps

John Buchan

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164 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 3 days
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The Thirty-Nine Steps is a thriller espionage novel published in 1915 by Scottish author John Buchan. This novel by John Buchan became even more famous after it was adapted into a movie with the same name by Alfred Hitchcock in 1935, and it has never been missing from the bookshelves since it was first published in 1915, with new editions constantly being published. It is the first adventure of secret agent Hannay, the main character of the novel. The author used the character of Agent Hannay again in several books he wrote later. In 1914, Europe is on the brink of war and spies are running everywhere. Hannay, who comes to London to start a new life, encounters a request for help from a British agent named Scudder. Arriving at the apartment a few days later, Hannay sees that the British agent has been murdered. Fearing that the police will initially suspect him of the murder, Hannay sets out for Scotland to reveal the secret of the incident. He is now pursued by both the police and German spies. While the events in the book take place in 1914, just before World War I, Alfred Hitchcock's film takes the events to the 1930s, that is, during World War II. It was moved to before the World War. Additionally, in the book, Scudder, the British agent who asks Hannay for help, is male. However, in the movie, Hitchcock made this agent a woman to make her more interesting. I think you will enjoy reading this book, which is one of the first examples of the thriller and espionage genre. Enjoyable Reading...
Otuz Dokuz Basamak
Otuz Dokuz BasamakJohn Buchan · Altın Bilek · 20101,037 okunma
144 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 22 hours
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In this book, the author has included a lot of details and used a sufficiently fluent language. Even though it may feel boring at times, I think it is a very successful and beautiful book. I think I must have gotten too carried away while reading it, because I felt like I was in Mr. Hannay's shoes. I recommend you to read it.
39 Basamak
39 BasamakJohn Buchan · Kırmızı Kedi Yayınları · 20211,037 okunma
149 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
Read in 8 hours
Otuz Dokuz Basamak ilk gerçek casus macerası olması ve aynı zamanda o dönedeki sosyal ve politik olayları yansıtmış olmasıyla önemli 1kitaptır. Kitapta yazilan varsayımlar hala bugün ve o dönemin ait olduğu sınıfın özellikleridir, dönem adına toplumsal durumlarla. Uzun süre Afrika`da yaşamış olan Richard Hannay İngiltere`ye döndüğünde kendini, tüm Avrupa`yı savaşa sürükleyecek 1komplo içinde bulur. Londra da çok sıkıldığını düşünen Hannay 1gun dairesine siginan Scudder adındaki şahsın cesetini bulur, böylece Hannay hem komplocuların hem de ülkenin polis kuvvetlerinin dikkatini çekmesiyle öykü 1maceraya dönüşür ve hatta ölenin kaderini üstlenmiş olur... 39 Basamak 1çok kez filme alınmıştır, fakat hala beyaz perdeye ilk aktarımı olan, Alfred Hitchcock`un yönettiği, başrolünü Robert Donat`ın oynadığı siyah beyaz versiyonu en iyisi sayılmaktadır fakat henüz izlemedim ben en kısa zamanda izleyeceğim. Birinci Dünya Savaşı`nın başladığı dönemde yazılan kitap, şimdiye kadar yazılmış en iyi ve en başarılı gerilim hikâyelerinden 1i kabul edilir ve "Otuz Dokuz Basamak" ölmeden önce okunması gereken #1001kitap arasındadır, kısa ve nefeslenecek kitap okumak isteyenlere tavsiyemdir...
Otuz Dokuz Basamak
Otuz Dokuz BasamakJohn Buchan · Altın Bilek Yayınları · 20151,037 okunma
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