The Time Machine

H. G. Wells

The Time Machine Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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‘In the end the power of nature is greater than the power of science, and there is no real purpose to human life.’
We are kept keen on the grindstone of pain and necessity, and, it seemed to me, that here was that hateful grindstone broken at last.
And a great quiet had followed.
I grieved to think how brief the dream of the human intellect had been. It had committed suicide. It had set itself steadfastly towards comfort and ease, a balanced society with security and-permaneney as its watchword, it had attained its hopes- to come to this at last. Once, life and property must have reached almost absolute safety. The rich had been assured of his wealth and comfori, the toiler assured of his life and work. No doubt in that perfect world there had been no unemployed problem, no social question left unsolved. And a great quiet had followed.
There is no intelligence where there is no change and no need of change.
There is no difference between Time and any of the three dimensions of Space except that our consciousness moves along it.
Sayfa 6 - the Time TravellarKitabı okudu
Social corruption.
No doubt the exquisite beauty of the buildings. I saw was the outcome of the last surgings of the now purposeless energy of mankind before it settled down into perfect harmony with the conditions under which it lived (the flourish of that triumph which began the last great peace.). This has ever been the fate of energy in security; it takes to art and to eroticism, and then come languor and decay.
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