The Tragedy of Great Power Politics

John J. Mearsheimer

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A decade after the cold war ended, policy makers and academics foresaw a new era of peace and prosperity, an era in which democracy and open trade would herald the "end of history." The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, sadly shattered these idyllic illusions, and John Mearsheimer's masterful new book explains why these harmonious visions remain utopian. To Mearsheimer, great power politics are tragic because the anarchy of the international system requires states to seek dominance at one another's expense, dooming even peaceful nations to a relentless power struggle. Mearsheimer illuminates his theory of offensive realism through a sweeping survey of modern great power struggles and reflects on the bleak prospects for peace in Europe and northeast Asia, arguing that the United States's security competition with a rising China will intensify regardless of "engagement" policies
Estimated Reading Time: 15 hrs. 44 min.Page Number: 555First Publication Date: 2001Publisher: Norton
ISBN: 9780393020250Language: İngilizce

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About the Author

John J. Mearsheimer
John J. MearsheimerYazar · 5 books
West Po­int’ten me­zun ol­duk­tan son­ra ABD Ha­va Kuv­vet­le­ri’nde 5 yıl gö­rev yap­tı (1970-1975). 1980’de Cor­nell Üni­ver­si­te­si’nde si­ya­set bi­li­mi ala­nın­da dok­to­ra­sı­nı ta­mam­la­dı. Broo­kings Ens­ti­tü­sü’nde araş­tır­ma­cı ola­rak ça­lış­tık­tan (1979-1980) ve Har­vard Üni­ver­si­te­si Ulus­la­ra­ra­sı İliş­ki­ler Mer­ke­zi’nde dok­to­ra son­ra­sı ça­lış­ma­la­rı­nı ta­mam­la­dık­tan (1980-1982) son­ra Chi­ca­go Üni­ver­si­te­si’nde gö­re­ve baş­la­dı. Ha­len ay­nı üni­ver­si­te­de si­ya­set bi­li­mi pro­fe­sö­rü ve Ulus­la­ra­ra­sı Gü­ven­lik Si­ya­se­ti Prog­ra­mı mü­dür yar­dım­cı­sı­dır. Ay­rı­ca 1998-1999’da CFR’de bu­lun­du ve 2003’de Ame­ri­kan Sa­nat­lar ve Bi­lim­ler Aka­de­mi­si’ne se­çil­di. In­ter­na­tio­nal Se­cu­rity ve The At­lan­tic Monthly gi­bi der­gi­ler­de, New York Ti­mes ve Los An­ge­les Ti­mes gi­bi ga­ze­te­ler­de Bos­na, nük­le­er si­lah­la­rın ya­yıl­ma­sı, ABD’nin Hin­dis­tan’a yö­ne­lik po­li­ti­ka­sı ve Arap-İs­ra­il ba­rış gi­ri­şim­le­ri­nin ba­şa­rı­sız­lı­ğı üze­ri­ne ya­zı­lar ka­le­me al­dı. Me­ars­hei­mer, ça­lış­ma­la­rı­nı gü­ven­lik ve ulus­la­ra­ra­sı iliş­ki­ler ala­nın­da yü­rüt­mek­te­dir. Eser­le­rin­den ba­zı­la­rı şun­lar­dır: Con­ven­tio­nal De­ter­ren­ce (1983), Lid­dell Hart and the We­ight of His­tory (1988), The Tra­gedy of Gre­at Po­wer Po­li­tics (2001).