A World History

The Twentieth Century

Clive Ponting

About The Twentieth Century

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Eschewing conventional chronological accounts, The Twentieth Century is organized around the major themes of the last hundred years. To help us understand our recent past and probable future, Clive Ponting offers a "world systems" theory. His analysis holds that a few core states have dominated much of the rest of the world, which provides raw materials and cheap labor and remains tied to the core as virtual colonial territory. Between these extremes are Latin America, the Middle East, and eastern Asia, which have a limited shot at self-determination. Economic, social, and political differences between the core and periphery continue to grow. Atlantic predominance, which molded world history for four hundred years, has been challenged by the countries of the Pacific. The book's central theme revolves around the struggle between progress and barbarism; the hope for our future is that "our conscience will catch up with our reason."
Estimated Reading Time: 16 hrs. 33 min.Page Number: 584Publication Date: 15 April 1999Publisher: Henry Holt and Company
ISBN: 9780805060881Country: United States of AmericaLanguage: EnglishFormat: Karton kapak

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About the Author

Clive Ponting
Clive PontingYazar · 3 books
Clive Sheridan Ponting, eski bir üst düzey İngiliz devlet memuru ve tarihçisidir. Falkland Savaşı’nda ARA General Belgrano’nun batmasıyla ilgili belgeleri sızdırdığı biliniyor. 1985 yılında memuriyetten istifa ettiği sırada, yılda 23.000 £ kazanan 5. Sınıf oldu.