The King Family Band 1

The Tycoon

Molly O'Keefe

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The cruel and beautiful man who ruined my life has everything he wants—everything except me. Five years ago, Clayton Rorick loved me. Or so I thought. Turned out he only wanted to get his hands on my daddy’s company. Heartbroken, I ran away with nothing but the clothes on my back. Like a twisted Cinderella. When my father dies, leaving my sisters in a desperate situation, it’s up to me to help them. I’ll have to beg the man who broke my heart to save us. But Clayton hasn’t forgotten me and what he wants in exchange for his help is…my body, my heart and my soul.
Estimated Reading Time: 6 hrs. 58 min.Page Number: 246Publication Date: 12 July 2018Publisher: ‎CreateSpace Independent
ISBN: 9781726485227Country: United States of AmericaLanguage: İngilizce