Learn to Make Millions in Up or Down Markets

Trend Following

Michael W. Covel

Trend Following Sözleri ve Alıntıları

Trend Following sözleri ve alıntılarını, Trend Following kitap alıntılarını, Trend Following en etkileyici cümleleri ve paragragları 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
Basit ve kolay arasındaki ayrımı biliriz. Basit ve sağlam çözümler bulmak , onları uygulayacak insan bulmaktan daha kolaydır. Jason Russell
Charles Faulkner quotes Ed Seykota as saying, “I’ve made phenomenal amounts of money for very simple decisions but I was willing to make them. Somebody had to.” Faulkner then comments, “Others are looking for highly complex ways of interacting with the markets, when most of the time it’s only the simple ones that are going to work.”
Sorunsuz bir yaşam hayal etmektense , var olan problemlerinizi çözün.
Sigmund Freud
From error to error, one discovers the entire truth.
Vince Lombardi
Success demands singleness of purpose.
• Lack of discipline: It takes an accumulation of knowledge and sharp focus to trade successfully. Many would rather listen to the advice of others than take the time to learn for themselves. People are lazy when it comes to the education needed for trading. Think about Bernard Madoff. People just wanted to believe. • Impatience: People have an insatiable need for action. It might be the adrenaline rush they’re after—their “gambler’s high.” Trading is about patience and objective decision making, not action addiction. • No objectivity: We are unable to disengage emotionally from the market. We “marry” our positions. • Greed: Traders try to pick tops or bottoms in the hope they’ll be able to “time” their trades to maximize profits. A desire for quick profits blinds traders to the real hard work needed to win. • Refusal to accept truth: Traders do not want to believe the only truth is price action. As a result, they follow other variables setting the stage for inevitable losses. • Impulsive behavior: Traders often jump into a market based on a story in the morning paper. Markets discount news by the time it is publicized. Thinking that if you act quickly, somehow you will beat everybody else in the great day-trading race is a grand recipe for failure. • Inability to stay in the present: To be a successful trader, you can’t spend your time thinking about how you’re going to spend your profits. Trading because you have to have money is not a wise state of mind. • Avoid false parallels: Just because the market behaved one way in 1995 does not mean a similar pattern today will give the same result.
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