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H. P. Lovecraft

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Evet, tuhaf hikâyeler yazmaya yedi buçuk-sekiz yaş civarında, idolüm Poe'yla ilk karşılaşmamdan sonra başladım. Yazdıklarım berbattı ve çoğu da yok olup gitti. Ama yine de elimde sekiz yaşımdayken yazdığım iki gülünç örnek var: The Secret of the Grave (Mezardaki Sır) ve The Mysterious Ship (Gizemli Gemi). On dört yaşıma dek gerçekten elle tutulur denilebilecek bir hikâye yazmadım. Sekiz ve dokuz yaş arasında tüm zevkim birdenbire değişti ve bilimlere, özellikle de kimyaya büyük bir ilgi duymaya başladım. Mahzende bir laboratuvar kurdurdum ve tüm harçlığımı araç gereçlerle ders kitaplarına harcadım.” - Bana Gelirsek “Köpekler ve kediler söz konusu olduğunda seçimim o kadar belli ki şimdiye dek ikisini karşılaştırmak aklıma bile gelmedi. Nasıl maymunlara, insanlara, zencilere, ineklere, koyunlara ya da pterodaktillere olumsuz duygular beslemiyorsam köpeklere karşı da bu türden hisler beslemiyorum. Ama çocukluğumun ilk yıllarından beri kedilere özel bir saygı ve yakınlık duymuşumdur. Kedinin o kusursuz zarafeti ve kendi kendine yetmedeki üstün becerisinde evrenin mükemmel güzelliğini ve sade tarafsızlığını görüyorum; benim için bilinmeyenin tüm büyüsü ve cazibesi onun sessiz, gizemli havasında saklı. Köpek basit, yüzeysel duygulara hitap ediyor; kedi ise insan aklının kozmik algısına ve hayal gücünün en derin pınarlarına. Düşünmeyi seven Mısırlıların ve Poe, Gautier, Baudelaire ve Swinburne gibi daha sonra gelecek olan şair ruhların hepsinin de bu kıvrak, kadim cadının sadık kulları olması hiç de tesadüf değildir.” - Kediler ve Köpekler
Estimated Reading Time: 3 hrs. 38 min.Page Number: 128Publication Date: April 2019Publisher: Laputa KitapOriginal Title: Notes on Writing Weird Fiction
ISBN: 9786056901126Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

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About the Author

H. P. Lovecraft
H. P. LovecraftYazar · 51 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Howard Phillips Lovecraft, (August 20, 1890 - March 15, 1937) was an American horror writer and creator of the Cthulhu Mythos. He is the first writer to combine science fiction and horror in his works. He was born on August 20, 1890, in Providence, Rhode Island. He was the only child of his father, Winfield Scott Lovecraft, a marketer, and his mother, Sarah Susan Phillips Lovecraft. His parents got married when they were both in their thirties. In 1893, when Lovecraft was only 3 years old, his father suffered a severe psychological illness in the hotel room he was staying in while he was on a business trip in Chicago. He was brought back to Providence and admitted to Butler Mental Hospital. He would stay here until his death from a stroke he suffered as a result of a nervous breakdown in 1898. His father's illness and death had a profound and profound impact on Lovecraft. The author's most productive period began after he returned to Providence in the last decade of his life. He wrote his best-known short story, The Case of Charles Dexter Ward and the Heights of Madness, during this period. He introduced many ghost stories to the world of literature, such as Alonzo Typer's Diary, The Bump, and Winged Death. The author, who became very poor during these most productive years, had to move to a small boarding house with his surviving aunt. In 1936 the writer was diagnosed with bowel cancer. Lovecraft, whose condition worsened due to malnutrition, died in Providence on March 15, 1937. H.P. The name Lovecraft was immortalized with the horror novel he wrote in 1926, The Cthulhu Myth. This novel inspired many films, compositions and comic books. It inspired many science fiction writers who are still alive today, including Stephen King, Bentley Little, Joe R. Lansdale and Neil Gaiman.