V. Gönderileri

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Living as he does much of the time in a world of  metaphor, the poet is always acutely conscious that metaphor has no value  apart from its function; that it is a device, an artifice. So that while  others may look on the laws of physics as legislation and Gad as a human  form with beard measured in light-years and nebulae for sandals, Fausto's  kind are alone with the task of living in a universe of things which simply  are, and cloaking that innate mindlessness with comfortable and pious  metaphor so that the "practical" half of humanity may continue in the Great  Lie, confident that their machines, dwellings, streets and weather share the  same human motives, personal traits and fits of contrariness as they. Poets have been at this for centuries. It is the only useful purpose they do  serve in society: and if every poet were to vanish tomorrow, society would  live no longer than the quick memories and dead books of their poetry. It is the "role" of the poet, this 20th Century. To lie.
Love's a lash,    Kisses gall the tongue, harrow the heart;    Caresses tease    Cankered tissue apart.    Liebchen, come    Be my Hottentot bondsman tonight,    The sjambok's kiss    Is unending delight.    Love, my little slave,    Is color-blind;    For white and black    Are only states of mind.    So at my feet    Nod and genuflect, whimper for me:    Though tears are dried    Their pain is yet to be.
Strangely then the tumescence began to subside, the flesh at his neck to  pale. Any sovereign or broken yo-yo must feel like this after a short time  of lying inert, rolling, falling: suddenly to have its own umbilical string  reconnected, and know the other end is in hands it cannot escape. Hands it  doesn't want to escape. Know that the simple clockwork of itself has no mare  need for symptoms of inutility, lonesomeness, directionlessness, because now  it has a path marked out for it over which it has no control. That's what  the feeling would be, if there were such things as animate yo-yos. Pending  any such warp in the world Profane felt like the closest thing to one and  above her eyes began to doubt his own animateness.
Profane sighed. The eyes of New York women do not see the wandering bums or  the boys with no place to go. Material wealth and getting laid strolled  arm-in-arm the midway of Profane's mind. If he'd been the type who evolves  theories of history for his own amusement, he might have said all political  events: wars, governments and uprisings, have the desire to get laid as  their roots; because history unfolds according to economic forces and the  only reason anybody wants to get rich is so he can get laid steadily, with  whomever he chooses. All he believed at this point, on the bench behind the  Library, was that anybody who worked for inanimate money so he could buy  more inanimate objects was out of his head. Inanimate money was to get  animate warmth, dead fingernails in the living shoulderblades, quick cries  against the pillow, tangled hair, lidded eyes, twisting loins . . .
The desert creeps in on a man's land. Not a fellah, but he does own some  land. Did own. From a boy, he has repaired the wall, mortared, carried stone  heavy as he, lifted, set in place. Still the desert comes. Is the wall a  traitor, letting it in? Is the boy possessed by a djinn who makes his hands  do the work wrong? Is the desert's attack too powerful for any boy, or wall,  or dead father and mother? No. The desert moves in. It happens, nothing else. No djinn in the boy, no  treachery in the wall, no hostility in the desert. Nothing. Soon, nothing. Soon only the desert. The two goats must choke on sand,  nuzzling down to find the white clover. He, never to taste their soured milk  again. The melons die beneath the sand. Never more can you give comfort in  the summer, cool abdelawi, shaped like the Angel's trumpet! The maize dies  and there is no bread. The wife, the children grow sick and short-tempered.  The man, he, runs one night out to where the wall was, begins to lift and  toss imaginary rocks about, curses Allah, then begs forgiveness from the  Prophet, then urinates on the desert, hoping to insult what cannot be  insulted. They find him in the morning a mile from the the house, skin blued, shivering in  a sleep which is almost death, tears turned to frost on the sand. And now the house begins to fill with desert, like the lower half of an  hourglass which will never be inverted again. What does a man do?
. Hümanizme sahip olmak için önce insanlığımıza ikna olmalıyız. Çöküşe doğru ilerledikçe bu daha da zorlaşıyor. . . .
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