Öne Çıkan V. Gönderileri

Öne Çıkan V. kitaplarını, öne çıkan V. sözleri ve alıntılarını, öne çıkan V. yazarlarını, öne çıkan V. yorumları ve incelemelerini 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
En Zor 100 Kitap (Goodreads'den)
Her topluluk liste yapmış zamanında, Goodreads'ın bolca var mesela. Bu da onlardan biri - en zor 100 kitap (200'lük versiyonu da var) En azından BBC ve benzeri medya kuruluşlarına göre daha evrensel. Biz de bu liste işine girsek diyorum bir ara (#39501741 iletisinde girdik:) - 1000 kitap kullanıcılarının okurken
Geçtiğin her şehir biraz senindir biraz da hikayendir.. Kimbilir… Belki de ömrünü bıraktığın yerdir.
Anlam Yoğunluğu
. Ağzın kapalı sev, kıçını kırmadan ya da bunu duyurmadan yardım et. Sakin ol ama umursa !.. ...
Dikkat !..
. Çeneni kapalı sev, kıçını kırmadan veya reklamını yapmadan yardım et. Sakin ol ama dikkatli ol. .
Strangely then the tumescence began to subside, the flesh at his neck to  pale. Any sovereign or broken yo-yo must feel like this after a short time  of lying inert, rolling, falling: suddenly to have its own umbilical string  reconnected, and know the other end is in hands it cannot escape. Hands it  doesn't want to escape. Know that the simple clockwork of itself has no mare  need for symptoms of inutility, lonesomeness, directionlessness, because now  it has a path marked out for it over which it has no control. That's what  the feeling would be, if there were such things as animate yo-yos. Pending  any such warp in the world Profane felt like the closest thing to one and  above her eyes began to doubt his own animateness.
By the time the sun was going down they'd nearly finished the case between  them. Profane was balefully drunk. He got out of the car, wandered off  behind a tree and pointed west, with some intention of pissing on the sun to  put it out for good and all, this being somehow important for him.  (Inanimate objects could do what they wanted. Not what they wanted because  things do not want; only men. But things do what they do, and this is why  Profane was pissing at the sun.) It went down; as if he'd extinguished it after all and continued on  immortal, god of a darkened world.
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