
Şevki Dinçal

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That night, he hugged his wife Lale with love, the taste of which he had forgotten for a long time, and slept for the first time, just like in the old peaceful days, and saw his own dreams. Even though it means giving up a part of your heart, this is still Metin's "Giving Up" meaning. was the solution. Moreover, not every giving up was a defeat. What could he expect from a love that had no future when regret was in ambush? Who knows what time will bring and take away from your life. He would live and see... Who can know the future without living? Tomorrow would be a new day. A new day...
Estimated Reading Time: 8 hrs. 10 min.Page Number: 288Publication Date: 2014Publisher: Truva Yayınları
ISBN: 9786055416607Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

About the Author

Şevki Dinçal
Şevki DinçalYazar · 4 books
1952 yılında Şarkışla’da doğdu. İlköğrenimi Şarkışla’da Polis Akademisini Ankara’da tamamladı. Şiirle küçük yaşlarda ilgilenmeye başladı. Yöresindeki birçok aşık dışında Halil Soyuer, Cemal Safi gibi birçok şairden etkilendi. Şevki Dinçal Türkiye’nin çeşitli yerlerinde ve Türkiye dışında Emniyet görevlisi olarak değişik kadrolarda görev yaptı.