Warum Klassiker lesen ?

Italo Calvino

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Was ist eigentlich ein Klassiker? "Klassiker sind Bücher, die jedesmal um so neuer, unerwarteter, bahnbrechender wirken, wenn man sie wiederliest ..." Der das sagte, Italo Calvino, lädt in seinen Aufsätzen über Manzoni und Montale, die Odyssee und den rasenden Roland, Stendhal und Raymond Queneau ein, ihn auf einer Entdeckungsreise zu begleiten. Und wer könnte ein besserer Reisegefährte sein als dieser ebenso gelehrte wie unterhaltsame Leser?
Estimated Reading Time: 9 hrs. 4 min.Page Number: 320Publication Date: 2002Publisher: Hanser, Carl Gmbh + Co.Original Title: Warum Klassiker lesen ?
ISBN: 9783446241183Language: AlmancaFormat: Karton kapak

Book Statistics

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About the Author

Italo Calvino
Italo CalvinoYazar · 56 books
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Italo Calvino was born on October 15, 1923 in Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba. Calvino, who immigrated from Cuba to Italy at a young age, in addition to his fiction writing, was a member of the Communist Party, his work at the Einaudi Publishing House, and his articles in newspapers and various magazines. He became one of the most important figures of Italian culture after World War II. Calvino, who became one of the most important writers of Italy starting from his first works, won many literary awards in Italy and gained an international reputation with his fantastic stories in his book I nostri antenati (Our Ancestors), published in 1960. Calvino, who turned to fantasy and allegory in the 1950s, made his name known worldwide with the three narratives he wrote: The Viscount Divided in Two, The Baron Perching on a Tree, and The Nonexistent Knight. From Cosmocomic Stories, which Calvino wrote with the stream of consciousness method and is about the creation of the universe and humans, to Invisible Cities, where he deals with themes such as desire, memory, life and death within the framework of the Marco Polo-Kubilai Khan relationship, with great subtlety and poetry. ; His writing life includes many works, from If on a Winter's Night a Traveler, in which he deals with the activity of writing and reading, and the complex relationship of the reader with the art of narrative, to Fiabe Italiane (Italian Fairy Tales), in which he compiles Italian tales and is a kind of economy exercise in narrative for him. His latest product is Lessons of America. Calvino died in Siena on September 19, 1985, as a result of a cerebral hemorrhage.