First Contact

Wherever Seeds May Fall

Peter Cawdron

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The world is thrown into chaos when a comet destined to strike Saturn skims off the upper clouds without breaking up. Scientists are reluctant to bow to rumors, but with the object destined for Jupiter, it's apparent an alien spacecraft is using the gas giants within our solar system to slow itself as it approaches Earth. Lieutenant Colonel Nolan Landis from NORAD and Dr. Kath McKenzie from NASA is caught between an angry public and an anxious president as they grapple with the scientific, social, and political implications of First Contact.FIRST CONTACT is a series of stand-alone novels that explore the concept of humanity's first interaction with extraterrestrial life. Like BLACK MIRROR or THE TWILIGHT ZONE, the series is based on a common theme rather than common characters, allowing these books to be read in any order. Technically, they're all first as they all deal with how we might initially respond to contact with aliens, exploring the social, political, religious, and scientific aspects of First Contact.
Estimated Reading Time: 14 hrs. 37 min.Page Number: 516Publication Date: January 2021Publisher: Independently Published
ISBN: 9798596100679Language: İngilizceFormat: Karton kapak