Yirmibeş Kuruşa Amerika

Naim Tirali

Yirmibeş Kuruşa Amerika Reviews

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The work, which is the 3rd story book of Naim Tirali, one of the important storytellers of Turkish Literature, contains a total of 12 stories, 8 of which were first published and 4 of which were added in the next current edition. Set in the back streets of the period between 1946 and 1954; Social morality, shameful and forbidden subjects were approached with openness and satire. Tirali, who did not produce any work in the 30-year period between the first edition and the next current edition, can be a stepping stone in approaching today's stories with his stories that have lost some of their currency. The book also includes the echoes seen in the literary world after the publications and the interviews with Tirali in the 1980s. Enjoy reading...
Yirmibeş Kuruşa Amerika
Yirmibeş Kuruşa AmerikaNaim Tirali · Yön Yayıncılık · 199812 okunma