"Tell me, you fool. If I continue to regress, will I ever get to meet you again?"
128 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
5 günde okudu
Kızıl Panda yayınlarının ucube çevirisi
In the historical context of 19th-century France, we encounter a protagonist condemned to meet his demise under the guillotine's blade. His narrative unfolds within the confines of Bicêtre, an institutional backdrop that serves as the crucible for his reflections. The act of committing his ruminations, emotions, and trepidations to writing
Bir İdam Mahkumunun Son Günü
Bir İdam Mahkumunun Son GünüVictor Hugo · Kızıl Panda Yayınları · 2021122bin okunma
336 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
Josh Malerman gerçekten bu işi iyi biliyor. Soluksuz okudum diyebilirim. Kitap, istediğim gibi bir sona ulaşmadı ama bana o isteği unutturdu ve çok güzel bir son verdi. Aslında bu "sonunda ne olacak?" sorusuyla heba edilecek bir kitap değil. Kitabı bir bütün olarak ele almak ve neredeyse her sayfasına işlemiş heyecanı, endişeyi ve
KafesJosh Malerman · İthaki Yayınları · 201813,1bin okunma
Chapter Ten
Over the roar of the motorcycle engine, she heard him shout, “Stop. Get off. Get off right now.” Her heart jumped into her throat, and her mouth went cotton dry. Was it the police? What kind of trouble could she be in? She slowed down and pulled over next to the center divide like he’d done. He sprinted toward her. “Get off the bike. Hurry.” As
Sayfa 115
132 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
12 günde okudu
He has neither name nor defined crime but in six weeks he will be guillotined. "The Last Day of a Condemned Man” is a quite powerful read about a subject that (I have to admit) I haven’t thought much about before: The Death Penalty. This is also the first book I read by Victor Hugo and now I am definitely interested in reading more of his Works like Les Miserable as soon as possible! It may be a short read, but it is by no means an easy one. It is Not necessarily enjoyable in the usual sense, the book is an important and powerful work in opposition to the death penalty. It reads like the thoughts and journal of a condemned man in France, who is given six weeks to live. The reader is forced to delve into the thoughts and fears of a man that we never really get to know in a sense; we are told very little about his life, and told practically nothing about the crime he has committed that has led him to prison and to be sentenced to death. But that is Hugo's point -- that capital punishment is so inhumane that it should not matter the crime, or the details, or who a person is, only that the sentence is so cruel and unusual that it should not be an option. What I like about this book is: it is short, to the point, well-composed, and philosophical. The writer did an extraordinary job at portraying the final thoughts of a prisoner condemned to death while also bringing the reader into the grim world of a 19th Century prison. As long as you are curious what we can feel in such a situation, the Last Day of a Condemned should fully meet your expectations!
Bir İdam Mahkûmunun Son Günü
Bir İdam Mahkûmunun Son GünüVictor Hugo · Can Yayınları · 2019122bin okunma
Since the subject of the emotions and cancer has been introduced, let's pursue it further. Though it is not yet under intensive research by mainstream medicine, there have been many observations through the years that psychological and social factors may play a role in the cause and cure of cancer. One of these was reported by Kenneth Pelletier, a member of the faculty of the School of Medicine, University of California, at the time. He was interested in "miracle cancer cures" that had occurred in seven people in the San Francisco area and wondered if they had anything in common. He found, in fact, that all seven people became more outgoing, more community oriented, interested in things outside of themselves; they all tried to change their lives so that there was more time for pleasurable activities; all seven became religious, in different ways, but all looked to something bigger than themselves; each spent a period of time each day meditating, sitting quietly, and contemplating or praying; they all started a physical exercise program, and they all changed their diets to include less red meat and more vegetables. It certainly looks as though social and emotional factors played a role in these "miracle cures."
Sayfa 186Kitabı okudu
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