“When I was a little kid, I realized that if you say any word over and over fast enough, it loses all its meaning. I’d lie awake saying the words over and over to myself—‘sugar,’ ‘mirror,’ ‘whisper,’ ‘dark.’ ‘Sister,’” he said, softly. “You’re my sister.” “It doesn’t matter how many times you say it. It’ll still be true.” “And it doesn’t matter what you won’t let me say, that’ll still be true too.”
I’m not as categorical anymore, judging people just because they are not like me. For many years now, my patience with people who are the complete opposite of me has been far greater. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I never get involved in conflicts, just as I wouldn’t try to convince you that I never lie, but both these things happen very seldom now.
Sayfa 12
This is an orchestration for an event. For a dance in fact. The participants will be apprised of their roles at the proper time. For now it is enough that they have arrived. As the dance is the thing with which we are concerned and contains complete within itself its own arrangement and history and finale there is no necessity that the dancers
It has been over for the old gods for a long time now – and truly, they had a good cheerful gods’ end! They did not “twilight” themselves to death – that is surely a lie! Instead, they just one day up and laughed themselves to death! This happened when the most godless words were uttered by a god himself – the words: "There is one god. Thou shalt have no other god before me!" – an old grim-beard of a god, a jealous one forgot himself in this way: And all the gods laughed then and rocked in their chairs and cried: "Is godliness not precisely that there are gods but no God?"
On Apostates, IIKitabı okuyor
"Is wounded vanity not the mother of all tragedies? But where pride is wounded, there something even better than pride grows. For life to be a proper spectacle, its play must be well-played; but for this good play actors are needed. I found all vain people to be good actors; they play and want to be spectacular – all their spirit is focused in this willing. They perform themselves, they invent themselves; in their proximity I love to be a spectator of life – it heals me of my melancholy. Therefore I spare the vain, because they are physicians for my melancholy and keep me riveted to people as if to a play. And then: who could measure the full depth of the vain man’s modesty! I mean him well and pity him his modesty. From you he wants to acquire his faith in himself; he nourishes himself from your glances, he eats praise from your hands. He even believes your lies, when you lie well about him; for at bottom his heart sighs: “what am I?” And if the truest virtue is the one that is not aware of itself, well; the vain man knows nothing of his modesty!"
On Human PrudenceKitabı okuyor
“My intentions towards your daughter are simple,” I say with the calmest, most determined voice I can manage. “She’s mine.” “Aiden!” she hisses. I lift a shoulder. I won’t lie to Ethan. Not about this. He needs to know that I’ll fight for her. I’m ready to fight him, Jonathan, and the entire fucking world. Hell. I’m ready to fight her if she doesn’t snap out of her stubbornness. It used to be adorable, now it’s pissing me off.
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