Finally, finally, my casing had really broken and without limit I was. Through not being, I was. To the ends of whatever I was not, I was. Whatever I am not, I am. All shall be within me, if I shall not be; for "I" is just one of the instantaneous spasms of the world. My life does not have a merely human meaning, it is much greater—so
Sayfa 189 - Penguin Modern ClassicsKitabı okudu
Six summers ago
She wipes laugh-tears away from the just-starting-to-wrinkle corners of her eyes and heaves a contented sigh. “I can laugh because I survived it. Makes me happy knowing Buck did too.” She rubs her tummy. “Makes me so happy every time you find out how small the world is, you know? Like, we were in that place at the same time and now here we are. At different points in our lives but still connected. Like quantum entanglement or some shit.” “I think about that every time I’m in an airport,” I tell her. “It’s one reason I love traveling so much.” I hesitate, searching for how to pour this long-steeping soupy thought into concrete words. “As a kid, I was a loner,” I explain, “and I always figured that when I grew up, I’d leave my hometown and discover other people like me somewhere else. Which I have, you know? But everyone gets lonely sometimes, and whenever that happens, I buy a plane ticket and go to the airport and—I don’t know. I don’t feel lonely anymore. Because no matter what makes all those people different, they’re all just trying to get somewhere, waiting to reach someone.”
Vladimir Mayakovsky
“As they say- "the final juicy incident is closed" my beloved boat is broken on the rocks of daily life. I've paid my debts and no longer need to count pains I've suffered at the hands of others The misfortunes and the insults. Good luck to those who remain”
Our lives contain so much more bad than good in part because of a series of empirical differences between bad things and good things. For example, the most intense pleasures are short-lived, whereas the worst pains can be much more enduring. Orgasms, for example, pass quickly. Gastronomic pleasures last a bit longer, but even if the pleasure of good food is protracted, it lasts no more than a few hours. Severe pains can endure for days, months, and years.
The greatest act of self-love is to no longer accept a life you are unhappy with. It is to be able to state the problem plainly and in a straightforward manner.
Not mine. From we heart it. But i like this post. it.
"I am happy," you replied with a smile so soft that if I hadn't known you for years, I would have believed it. You leaned in to light the cigarette between your lips. One of the many vices you had willingly decided to adopt. Forcing them into your life as a way to disguise whatever other vices you had been hidding. "Why wouldn't I be?" You looked away so I couldn't meet your eyes. Even when your whole face and body believed your lies, your eyes didn't. Faker. "Out of all the things you are shit at," I said standing up. You looked at me, half laughing, half wondering what I was going to say next. "Lying is the one you suck at the most." You leaned back, both palms on the ground, your head tilted back facing the sky. Your eyes closed telling me that I might as well leave. "What a rude little thing you are." Laughing. Smiling. Like you didn't care. Faker. "I'm leaving now." You stopped smiling, but you weren't careless enough to let the rest of you know how bothered you were. "I hope you find the happiness you've been pretending to have." Consistency? I don't know her. I'm currently reading No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai. I really really wanted to like it, but... I think I hate it. I'll let you know once I finish it. What are you currently reading? Kaen.
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