I’m back in survival mode, shutting off everything to keep from drowning in the pain. If I allow myself to feel right now, I’ll never stop crying.
So when it comes down to a specific answer, it’s easy. “Everything,” I say. “Everything?” she asks, voice laced with confusion. “Your passion, your darkness, your fire, and even your damn stubbornness. I find all of them sexy and there isn’t a thing I would change about you. So yes, everything.” Her lips part and her eyes soften with deep affection before she turns her gaze away as if hiding her reaction. “You’re touched, aren’t you?” I poke her arm. “Shut up.” Her cheeks turn crimson. I smile. “Pay me back, sweetheart.” “Pay you back?” “Yeah. Tell me what you like most about me.” “No.” It’s my turn look at her twice. “No?” She lifts her chin in defiance, eyes glinting. “It’s a secret.” “You don’t get to keep secrets from me.” “Yes, I do.” She lay her head on my arm. “I can’t have you lose interest in me.” “Believe me, that will never happen.” “Still no. You need a challenge, remember? I’ll be that challenge and more.” I smile to myself. This is why Elsa is one a kind. This is why she’ll always be mine. No one understands me as much as she does.
“You’re not only my lover and my husband, you’re also my best friend and my partner in everything.” “And you are mine, Lenochka.” “I love you, Mr. Volkov.” “I love you, Mrs. Volkov.” And I’ll spend the rest of my life showing her how exactly how deep and raw that love is.
“I’n sorry for making you feel bad when I should’ve done the opposite. I lost the ability to feel love when I was a boy, but you've slowly but surely yanked those feelings out of me. You didn’t only yank them out, you also held tight to a part of me I thought was long gone. For you, I want to go back in time and keep that part alive for the moment I met you. In the past, I thought people were destined to leave, so being attached to anyone was useless. And I thought that at some point, you would leave, too. I fought the pull to you. I fought the lure of your rose scent and your breakable softness. But I couldn’t fucking last. Not when I craved your presence the moment you were out of sight. Not when my thoughts of breaking your purity turned to a need to protect it. I told you how different my love is, how dark it can get, but I do love you, more than I’ve ever loved anyone in my life. I don’t only need you; I also genuinely cannot live without you and the light you bring to my darkness. I know you deserve better, but I’m unable to let you go, so I’ll try my best to be worthy of you, Lenochka.” A muscle tightens in his jaw and a glassy sheen has covered his eyes by the time he finishes. He finally did it. He...let go.
Peel Komisyonu
1936-37 Arap ayaklanmaları üzerine Ingiltere hükümeti, eski Hindistan Işleri bakanlarından Lord William Robert Peel başkanlığında kurulan ve Kraliyet Filistin Komisyonu adını alan bir heyeti, bir rapor hazırlamak üzere Filistin'e gönderdi. Peel Komisyonu, Filistin'de iki ay süreyle incelemeler yapıp, Arap ve Yahudi pek çok kimseyle
“I’ll keep you safe,” Julian whispered.
Sayfa 240 - Julian to ScarlettKitabı okudu
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