We desire meaning, and yet we cannot have it. Instead, we are bound to live a tragic existence, trying to make sense of a world in which I am forced to write you six letters in a row, and receive no response. Six. Don't you understand? I desire you, and yet I cannot have you. Why does the Absurd taunt me so? Is it something I said? Seriously, you can tell me. I can no longer stand the cruel, indifferent silence of the universe. Like, just a response would be nice. Or you know what? I don't even care anymore. Don't go out with me. I'm going to die soon anyway, and life is better without meaning. That way I can never be disappointed.
Aesthetically Pleasing Book Tag Sorular: 1) En iyi renk kombinasyonu olan kitap kapağı 2) En iyi yazı fontu olan kitap kapağı 3) En iyi basit kitap kapağı 4) En iyi son sayfaları olan kitap 5) En iyi haritası olan kitap 6) En iyi ciltli kitap (cilt çıkarılınca kalan kapak) 7) En iyi arka kapak 8) En iyi bölüm başı
Önce kitapları yaktılar: Tarihteki 40 kitap soykırımı vakası 1. Danışmanın tavsiyesine uyan İmparator Quin Shi Huwang, Qin kaynaklı tüm felsefe ve tarih kitaplarının yakılmasını emretti. Devlet zoruyla kabul ettirilmek istenen resmi tarihe karşı çıkan kimi filozof ve tarihçiler de bu alevlerden nasibini aldı. (MÖ 213) 2. Paflagonya’da (bugün
"Diese plötzliche Verlagerung aller Kräfte in uns, diese Begegnungen mit der Seele geschehen nur nach vielen Krisen; die meisten Künstler vermeiden diese, indem sie sich ablenken, und das ist der Grund, warum sie es nie fertigbringen, zum Zentrum ihrer Produktivität zurückzukehren, von dem sie im Moment ihres reinsten Impulses ausgegangen sind." Rainer Maria Rilke "This sudden shift of all forces in us, these encounters with the soul only happen after many crises; most artists avoid these by distracting themselves, and that is why they never that to return to the center of their productivity, from the They went out at the moment of their purest impulse." Rainer Maria Rilke