One should be afraid of taking risks and pursuing something meaningful, however, one should be more afraid of not acting to change and wander in misery. "Dispense with the idea that you get to have any permanent security in life." Maybe a father provide some security in your life to a certain degree, or a loved one but all in all we are lonely in our minds.
"Once, Rick thought, you could see the stars.But now it's only dust. Nobody has seen a star for years- at least not from the Earth. Maybe I'll go to a place where I can see stars, he said to himself."
Talking to strangers'dan
My father read Charles Dickens 's A TALE OF TWO CITIES to me and my brothers when we were children, and at the very end, when Sydney Carton dies in Charles Darney' s place, my father wept. My father was not a weeper. He was not someone whose emotions bubbled over in every emotionally meaningful moment. He didn't cry in sad movies. He didn't cry when his children left for college. Maybe he got stealthily misty-eyed from time to time, but not so anyone other than maybe my mother would notice. In order to cry, he needed his children on the sofa listening, and he needed one of history's most sentimental novelists. Take away either of those two factors and no one would ever have seen his tears. That's coupling. If suicide is coupled, then it isn't simply the act of depressed people. It's the act of depressed people at a particular moment of extreme vulnerability and in combination with a particular, readily available lethal means.
On the meaning of “the meaning of life” - Tufan Kıymaz In my view, the meaning of life is the original function of life, and life is meaningful if and only if it has an objectively positive/valuable original function and fulfills that function. So, a life can be meaningless in the following ways: 1. The life does not have an original function. 2. The life has an original function, but its original function is not objectively valuable. 3. The life has an objectively valuable original function, but it doesn’t serve this function. To be clear, I don’t claim that there actually is an objectively valuable original function for our lives. Maybe there is no original function, maybe there is an original function but it is objectively negative, or maybe objective values don’t exist at all. My claim is conceptual. My claim is that, conceptually, our lives can be meaningful only if there is such an objectively valuable original function of life, and a fortiori, only if there is objective value at all (cf. Wolf, 2010, 2015). WOLF, Susan R. 2010. Meaning in Life and Why It Matters. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press. WOLF, Susan R. 2015. The Meanings of Lives. In: The Variety of Values: Essays on Morality, Meaning, and Love. Oxford, Oxford University Press, p. 89-106.
Focus on solutions, not problem.
Do not focus on the conflict. Focus on something possible that isn't part of conflict. That will give her time and maybe some hope. Things change, and in time most conflicts get diluted and forgotten. But right now I've got to get her to see that there's more to life than the conflict.
Sayfa 110 - Harper CollinsKitabı okudu
370 syf.
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1/5 Stars (%8/100) First book by Kingsolver and I'm %100 sure I will not read anything from her again. Many people have already expressed my feelings in other reviews so I'm going to keep this review short. The book is about Kingsolver and her family's attempt to switching to a healthier lifestyle. Basically, they try to cultivate and grow everything they can instead buying them. Nothing wrong with this, actually it is even interesting. What made me dislike the book is the author's tone and attitude towards the reader. You are constantly getting scolded for buying your own food instead of doing the same as her. There is this constant holier-than-thou attitude which I hate in a book. This is the major reason I did not like the book, and I see that many people agree with me. Second, I find it very long and boring. I finished the whole book but man it was a very very tedious journey. Also, the weird attitude towards America and its people made me think that she really does not like her country. Maybe I am overexaggerating but I don't know. Overall, the original idea is good but everything else is wrong. No thank you!
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food LifeBarbara Kingsolver · 20073 okunma
580 öğeden 491 ile 500 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.