
Benden kitap okumayı çekip alsalar, bu deneyimsiz halimle mahvolurdum herhalde. Kitaplarda yazılanlara bu kadar bağımlıyım işte. Bir kitap okur okumaz hemen o kitaba kapılır, güvenir, kitapla özdeşleşir, hayatımla o kitap arasında ilişki kurarım. Yine başka bir kitap okuyunca yüz seksen derece dönüp bu yeni kitaba bağlanırım.
İnsan bir var, bir yok. Bir gün var, bir gün yok.
“I don’t want to wake up when I’m seventy-four only to realize I haven’t lived.”

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Please know that no matter what you’ve been told to believe about yourself, the toxic kind of love you’ve learned to “accept”, or whatever it is that society has brainwashed you into believing, you are no one’s fucking doormat. You are not a source of energy for others to take. This is your table, you set the standards and you choose who gets a seat. Start turning away people who have the audacity to show up in your life with crumbs, because crumbs can’t feed you. Find someone who brings you a whole cake. Learning how to love yourself, to avoid relying on other people’s validation to make you feel whole, is the key to not settling. You’ve got to learn to make the cake yourself. Because when you already have a delicious fucking cake, the idea of someone else’s crumbs and settling for a mediocre love that leaves you starving ceases to be tempting. You must live your life as if no one is ever going to make you a cake. Don’t sit around waiting for someone to give you the cake. Bake it yourself.
When you settle for crumbs it sends a message to that person that that’s all you think you deserve. They know that they can get away with doing the absolute bare minimum to have a seat at your table. That they can come and go as they please– for the price of their mere attention. They’ve become a parasite, and you’re their host.
133 öğeden 1 ile 15 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.