
"How can you be in here with me? You must touch him every minute. You must keep your hands on his arm. You must look at him, hold him every minute. You have only now, right now. Death is waiting. And he will be gone, and you will be alone. Your body, your skin and his-this moment, this moment, this moment. Then what? Run in there where he sleeps and touch his cheek with your finger. Run your hand along his arm over his eyelids, his lips. Sit quietly on the floor near his bed, and watch him sleep." Experiences in Being, On Intimacy and Death, Elizabeth K. Bugental
1869'da yeğeni James Edward Austen-Leigh tarafından yayımlanan biyografisinde yazılana göre Jane Austen, kitaplarını yazıp bitirdikten sonra bile karakterlerinin akıbetini düşünmeye devam ediyormuş.