“I've always loathed the necessity of sleep. Like death, it puts even the most powerful men on their backs.” -Frank Underwood
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3/5 Stars (%65/100) Audre Lorde was an extremely important woman during the feminist movement, especially for African-American women. Since I am a fan of poetry, this was very interesting to read. Lorde talks about the necessity of literature, poetry specifically, for women. Women should use poetry to express themselves and make people listen to them. Great essay about poetry and women's movement.
Poetry Is Not a Luxury
Poetry Is Not a LuxuryAudre Lorde · 19771 okunma
Pride is one's response to one's power to achieve values, the pleasure one takes in one's own efficacy. And it is this that mystics hold as evil. But if doubt, not confidence, is man's proper moral state, if self-distrust, not self-reliance, is the proof of his virtue; if fear, not self-esteem, is the mark of perfection; if guilt not pride, is his goal–then mental illness is a moral ideal, the neurotics and psychotics are the highest exponents of morality, and the thinkers, the achievers, are the sinners those who are too corrupt and too arrogant to seek virtue and psychological well-being through the belief that they are unfit to exist. Humility is, of necessity, the basic virtue of a mystical morality; it is the only virtue possible to men who have renounced the mind.
subjugate with use ''free'' trade
During the early colonial period, underdeveloped regions of the world remained on the periphery of the international trade system, providing European powers with primary goods and minerals. Toward the end of the 19th century, capitalist countries used trade to spread capitalism into their colonies. Lenin attempted to account for the necessity of states with excess finance to take colonies in order to postpone revolution at home. The ''soft'' power of finance as much as the ''hard'' power of military conquest helped to generate empires of dependency and exploitation.
Sayfa 133 - pearson new international edition
It might be the noisy troublemakers who disappear, first, when the institution you serve falters and shrinks. But it’s the invisible who will be sacrificed next. Someone hiding is not someone vital. Vitality requires original contribution. Hiding also does not save the conforming and conventional from disease, insanity, death and taxes. And hiding
Sayfa 211 - Rule 8Kitabı okudu
The Concerto was a great cry of rebellion. It was a "No" flung at some vast process of the struggle to break free. The sounds were like a voice saying: There is no necessity for pain—why, then, is the worst pain reserved for those who will not accept its necessity?—we who hold the love and the secret of joy, to what punishment have we been sentenced for it, and by whom?... The sounds of torture became defiance, the statement of agony became a hymn to a distant vision for whose sake anything was worth enduring, even this. It was the song of rebellion—and of a desperate quest.
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