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 Bediüzzaman Said Nursi, In his work titled Little Words, he provides guidance and advice to guide people in their choices, with Qur'anic representations and examples. Man is a traveler. His journey continues from childhood to youth, from youth to old age, from old age to the grave, from the grave to resurrection, from resurrection to eternity. The most important stages of this journey are experienced in "worldly life". This world's life is temporary, human being, think about your afterlife and stay away from evil and haram. This book has been in my house for a long time, but I never had the chance to read it. I started reading it four days ago and its content was very interesting. Frankly, I regret not reading it until now. . Yes, people are deceived. He who does not correct himself cannot correct others. " O Lord! Forgive our faults, accept us as your servants, make us safe until it is time to accept your trust, amen! . O eye, look beautiful!
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Küçük SözlerBediüzzaman Said Nursî · Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları · 20212,343 okunma