Para çok ta iyi bir şey ama aslında araç olduğunda.Para araç olduğunda insanlara yardım edebilirsin, gezebilirsin, kitap alabilirsin... Amaç olduğu anda işin içine hırs, ego, başkalarını küçümseme, herkesi kölen gibi görme gibi insani zaaflar gözümün önüne seriliyor.
No ego
Her mesleği icra edemezsiniz. Ne iş olsa yapamazsınız. Herkesin sevdiği insan olamazsınız. Her yönden güçlü ve üstün de olamazsınız. Güçlü yönlerimizin bizi bir başka yönden güçsüz kıldığını unutmamamız ve bunu kabullenmemiz gerekir.
No ego...!
Şu düşünceyi kafanızdan silmeyin: Önemli değilsiniz. Hiç bir şey değilsiniz. Taşıdığımız yükün bir gün başkalarına yararlı olacağını düşünmelisiniz...
No ego
Sen ve ben gafletini aşıp BİZ olanların rızkıdır aşk...
Sayfa 58
Group Dynamics
Whatever the structure of the cult, it observes three principles of group behavior: * Lack of differentiation of the individual and the group. The follower loses any autonomy of existence and thought. There is no possibility of individual thought, even though the follower’s thought may have been identical to that of the cult in the first place. The follower functions and thinks within the group apparatus. He has no say in the life or development of the group; he is a non-autonomous part of this life and this thought. He is a member of the body illustrated by La Fontaine in his fable Les Membres et l’Estomac. Any hint of individualization can be dealt with only through exclusion — such a follower is a danger to the cult; * Self-sufficiency of the group. This is what develops the psychotic dynamic of the cult. It leads to the progressive and complete isolationism characteristic of the cult. It creates barriers with the outside world which, seen first of all as being nonessential, is gradually perceived as dangerous, then aggressive. This self-sufficiency prohibits the contribution of constructive criticism or any questioning of the sectarian logic; * Delimitation of the external and the internal. All facts, thoughts and actions come to be qualified on this basis. Everything that is a part of the cult ideology or inside the cult is positive, constructive and dynamic. All that is external to the cult is negative, destructive and lethal. The group assumes, in the place of the participant’s own ego, the transactions of analysis of external reality and compromise between that and the sectarian plan (internal reality).
We’ve seen that invention is the essential characteristic of a guru, and that the fable of his life story is centerpiece of the cult’s founding myths. The creation of a guru is both mythification and mystification. Concurrent with the fiction inherent in the mythomania, gurus exhibit other telling behaviors that point to underlying mental disorders, both in their actions and their words. No guru is without paranoia. It is this psychosis that gives him the feeling of being different than the rest of humanity; and it gives him the conviction that he has the role of leader and guide to play. It is a personality disorder that is characterized by four criteria, well-known in psychiatry: inflation of the ego, warped judgment, mistrust and psycho-rigidity. One only needs to read a guru’s writings, to listen to him speak, or observe his actions to see these four elements at work in him.
Sayfa 223 - ON THE PART OF THE GURUKitabı okudu
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