The magazine piece on the urban legend had stated, ‘At the end of the day, whether one returns to the past or travels to the future, the present does not change. So it raises the question: just what is the point of that chair?’ But Kazu still goes on believing that, no matter what difficulties people face, they will always have the strength to overcome them. It just takes heart. And if the chair can change someone’s heart, it clearly has its purpose. But with her cool expression, she will just say, ‘Drink the coffee before it gets cold.’
Sayfa 155Kitabı okudu
the image you put away is slightly out of focus so you don’t even notice yet it is the image in your mind that counts rebirth is the peace of an albatross rebirth is the refusal of an Elysion sleep there is no past or future it is the moment that takes wing
Universal nonverbal behaviors constitute one group of body cues: those that are relatively the same for everyone. There is a second type of body cue called an idiosyncratic nonverbal behavior, which is a signal that is relatively unique to a particular individual. In attempting to identify idiosyncratic signals, you’ll want to be on the lookout for behavioral patterns in people you interact with on a regular basis (friends, family, coworkers, persons who provide goods or services to you on a consistent basis). The better you know an individual, or the longer you interact with him or her, the easier it will be to discover this information because you will have a larger database upon which to make your judgments. For example, if you note your teenager scratches his head and bites his lip when he is about to take a test, this may be a reliable idiosyncratic tell that speaks of his nervousness or lack of preparation. No doubt this has become part of his repertoire for dealing with stress, and you will see it again and again because “the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.”
I ran as fast as I could for as long as I could, from a past that no longer defined me, toward a future undetermined. All I knew was that there would be pain and there would be purpose.
Bu, gün be gün karşımıza çıkan bir başka duruma benzemi­yor mu? Bununla, dünya çapında kendilerine “no future” (gele­ceksiz) kuşak adını veren gençleri düşünüyorum. Elbette sığın­dıkları şey sadece bir sigara değil, uyuşturucular. Aslına bakılırsa, uyuşturucu sahnesi çok daha genel bir kitle olgusunun, yani varoluşsal ihtiyaçlarımızın engellenmesinden kaynaklanan ve sonuç olarak endüstrileşmiş toplumlarda evren­sel bir olguya dönüşen anlamsızlık duygusunun bir yanıdır...
Sayfa 152 - Okuyan Us Yayınları PdfKitabı okudu
“Mankind is a rope fastened between animal and overman – a rope over an abyss. A dangerous crossing, a dangerous on-the-way, a dangerous looking back, a dangerous shuddering and standing still. What is great about human beings is that they are a bridge and not a purpose: what is lovable about human beings is that they are a crossing over and a
As the collected stories of the human journey, history offers the fundamental lesson that the challenges we face today aren't unique. No matter how much we flatter ourselves with self-absorption, we are but the continuation of the human saga.
Sayfa 242Kitabı okudu
Gareth Stedman Jones:
Marx was far more successful in evoking the power of capitalism than in demonstrating in any conclusive fashion why it had to come to an end. It was eloquence rather than science which established the association between the end of capitalism and the destiny of the working class. His conviction of a future society based upon a higher notion of freedom amounted to no more than a few cryptic utterances, unsubstantiated either by evidence or logic. Finally, despite the claims of his followers, he never succeeded in establishing a coherent theory of the connections between property relations and political forms. As a result, his refusal to accept that capitalism might be controlled by political reform and collective pressure was ultimately a dogmatic assertion.'
Sayfa 12 - Verso, 1990.(Preface)Kitabı okuyor
Elektrik şoku verilmek üzere olan psikopatlarda, normal insanların acı hissedeceklerini bildiklerinde gösterdikleri korku tepkisinin hiç­ bir belirtisi görülmez. Acı çekme olasılığı, bir kaygı dalgası yarat­madığından, psikopatlar Hare’e göre, yaptıkları hareket nedeniyle gelecekte cezalandırılacakları endişesini taşımazlar. Kendileri kor­ku hissetmediklerinden, kurbanlarının korku ve acısına karşı empati veya merhamet duymazlar. Psychopaths who are about to be electrocuted show no signs of the fear reaction that normal people show when they know that they will feel pain. Since the possibility of suffering does not create a wave of anxiety, psychopaths, according to Hare, do not worry that they will be punished in the future for their behaviour. Since they do not feel fear themselves, they do not feel empathy or compassion for the fear and pain of their victims.
Sayfa 154 - Varlık Yayınları 33. BasımKitabı okudu
The circle of life....
Love is a holy mystery and ought to be hidden from all other eyes, whatever happens. That makes it holier and better. They respect one another more, and much is built on respect. And if once there has been love, if they have been married for love, why should love pass away? Surely one can keep it! It is rare that one cannot keep it. And if the
... a Blurring of The Line Between Home Life and Work Life
By the beginning of the twentieth century, the railroad and telegraph/telephone had transformed an agrarian economy to an industrial economy in which industrial workers outnumbered farm workers. By the dawn kf twenty-first century, however, almost 60 percent of American males no longer worked on the shop floor, but were engaged in information-based business.
Sayfa 172Kitabı okudu
At the time, however, no one understand the Rubicon that had just been crossed.
Sayfa 164Kitabı okudu
“It was Gu Mang who had brought his brothers crawling back, who had returned the bodies of the dead. He’d seen hope, he’d seen the future, and so he had roared, enduring it all to say: Come, everything’s okay. You’ve named me General Gu, so I’ll bring you home no matter what. I’ll bring you home…”
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