Stronger vs. Weaker side
... the character of the future war at sea the Germans believed that there would be no period of tensions prior to the outbreak of the hostilities
Sayfa 29 - Strategic FrameworkKitabı okudu
people with no future and no past
352 syf.
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War is peace! Freedom is slavery! Ignorance is strength! Those words have kept sounding in my head since I read this book. My god,it is probably one of the the most haunting not to mention frightening and thrilling book I've ever read. I think 1984 should also be included in the horror and thriller genres. I have recently read Utopia, 1984
1984George Orwell · Can Yayınları · 2023167,7bin okunma
......The whole world moves in the eternity of existence. The mind moves in time. Existence moves into depth and height, and mind moves back and forth. The mind moves horizontally; this is sleep. If you move vertically, that is awareness. stay in the moment. Bring your entire being to the main. Don't let the past get in the way and the future get in. The past is no more, it's dead. OSHOLOVER
The present moment is just a dividing line. It doesn't take up space. It divides the past and the future; is just a dividing line. You can be in the present moment, but you cannot think; Thinking needs space. Thoughts, like objects, need space. Do not forget this; Thoughts are very subtle objects, they are material. Thoughts are not spiritual because the spiritual dimension can only begin if there are no thoughts. Thoughts are material things, very subtle and all material things need a space. You cannot think in the present moment.
Bu, gün be gün karşımıza çıkan bir başka duruma benzemi­yor mu? Bununla, dünya çapında kendilerine “no future” (gele­ceksiz) kuşak adını veren gençleri düşünüyorum. Elbette sığın­dıkları şey sadece bir sigara değil, uyuşturucular. Aslına bakılırsa, uyuşturucu sahnesi çok daha genel bir kitle olgusunun, yani varoluşsal ihtiyaçlarımızın engellenmesinden kaynaklanan ve sonuç olarak endüstrileşmiş toplumlarda evren­sel bir olguya dönüşen anlamsızlık duygusunun bir yanıdır...
Sayfa 152 - Okuyan Us Yayınları PdfKitabı okudu
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