
"What was in the box?" I asked. "The body of Mr Wyatt's dead wife," the captain replied. "Mr Wyatt's wife died suddenly on June 14th. She died in Charleston, on the day before we sailed. Mr Wyatt had to return to New York. And he wanted to take his dead wife's body with him. None of the other captains wanted to carry a dead body in their ships. Some people believe that it is bad luck to keep a dead person on a ship. But Mr Wyatt asked me again and again. He became very upset. At last I agreed. He lied to the shipping clerk and the other passengers. He said that there were valuable paintings in the box." "So who was the Mrs Wyatt that I met?" I asked him. "She was his servant," said the captain. "Wyatt loved his beautiful wife very much. Only I knew the truth."
You are married,' said Paul. 'You have a husband.' 'But I didn't love him,' said Maria quickly. 'I want to be free, I want to go to parties and enjoy myself. Come with me, I have money now. We'll be happy together. ' 'No,' said Paul. 'No, everything is over. Maria was angry. Her eyes were small and cold, and her mouth was thin and hard, her hands were covered with big rings. "Maria looked like her mother." ₺
Sayfa 17 - Maria, Paul
I meet her in the Evening by the riverside. Her dress was creamy white And her hair with ribbon tied. She turned and smiled at me, And I asked her for her name, Though I am young and poor, My love will stay the same.
Sayfa 4 - Paul

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Ustalık sabır gerektirir. NBA tarihinin en başarılı takımlarından biri olan San Antonio Spurs'ün soyunma odasında sosyal reformcu Jacob Riis'ten bir alıntı asılıdır: "Hiçbir şey işe yaramıyormuş gibi göründüğünde, gidip önündeki kayayı parçalamaya çalışan bir taş kırma makinesine bakarım. Belki de bir çatlak bile oluşmadan yüz kez darbe indirmek zorundadır. Ancak yüz birinci darbede taş ortadan ikiye ayrılır ve ben bunu başaranın son darbe değil, öncesinde inen darbelerin hepsi olduğunu bilirim."
Sayfa 25
Nevi şahsına münhasır
...Ben böyle biriyim onun da beni böyle kabul etmesi gerek...
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