Ne Okusam?
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48 syf.
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Eğlenceli bir kitap. Yine bana kitap sevgisini aşılayan, ilk okuduğum kitaplardan. O kadar uzun zaman geçti ama hâlâ unutmadığım bir kitap. Old but Gold...
Fareli Köyün Kavalcısı
Fareli Köyün KavalcısıRobert Browning · Kare Yayınları · 20122,327 okunma
Old but gold
"Sürekli beni sokan yılanları anlatırsam buradan arabesk çıkar. Ben kimin yılanıyım diye sormaya başlarsam buradan ahlak (güzellik) çıkar."
336 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Vezir Gambiti
Vezir Gambiti
Vezir Gambiti
Dizisinden sonra okumama rağmen çok rahat ve heyecanlı aktı kitap. Okurken bitmesini istemediklerimden biriydi; hayata tutunurken inişler çıkışlar, başarıya giderken batıp çıkmalar harika tasvir edilmişti. Bir de şöyle bir yazım var; medium.com/@berilbozdogana...
Vezir Gambiti
Vezir GambitiWalter Tevis · İthaki Yayınları · 20201,792 okunma
256 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
4 günde okudu
The book consists of 13 stories in total. I have commented on all the stories below. 1) MS. Found in a Bottle: "MS. Found in a Bottle" by Edgar Allan Poe is a classic example of his mastery in the Gothic and macabre. The story is presented as a narrative from an unnamed protagonist who, along with others, finds himself aboard a
Kuyu ve Sarkaç
Kuyu ve SarkaçEdgar Allan Poe · Can Yayınları · 20142,839 okunma
Btw it is almost more than a year I haven't read some books but when I come here to see what people read, I just run into old books and old authors Old is gold? No creativity for new books and author s?
416 syf.
Puan vermedi
Moll Flanders tells the biography of a woman born in 18th century England from her own point of view. Born in a prison, a prostitute for twelve years, a thief for twelve years, married five times, her adventures taking her from England to America, Moll Flanders is one of the most interesting heroines in English literature with her controversial
Moll Flanders
Moll FlandersDaniel Defoe · Can Yayınları · 2021720 okunma
Günaydın İstanbul
Bana iyi gelen şarkılardan birini buraya bırakıyorum.. Old, but gold Keane-Somewhere only we know youtu.be/Oextk-If8HQ
The barbarian kings of Italy pursued their own interests, but they ruled, to begin with at least, in the name of the distant Emperor in Constantinople, maintaining and honouring the Roman Senate, and accepting the honorific title ‘Patrician of the Romans’. Even Odoacer’s ferocious successor Theoderic, a man who could sign his own name only with the help of a stencil cut from a plate of gold, accepted and exploited the fiction of empire. Theoderic adopted Roman dress, and his coinage carried the image of the Emperor. The Gothic kings based themselves on the Adriatic coast, in the old capital of the Western empire at Ravenna, and the glamour of Rome persisted. As Theoderic himself declared, ‘Any Goth who can, wants to be a Roman: no Roman wants to be a Goth.’
When a consul threatened the withdrawal of all Venetian merchants from Alexandria, the sultan responded that ‘as to the power of you Venetians, and after that of the rest of Christendom, I hold … it not so high as a pair of old shoes’. There was an element of bluff within this – the Mamluks needed the influx of European gold – but the abuses continued. Sometimes the consul himself was beaten and imprisoned.
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