Here is something I believe: I believe that people don’t know how people work when they’re young and maybe that’s why we’re so reckless with each other when we’re young. I think people think that people come and go, in and out of life and I think that school teaches them that, that life changes in big annual movements, that one year you’re this and the next, you’re that. But life blends into itself as you get older and you realise, you will watch a few, if not many, of your friends get old. You will watch them lose their minds and their hair. You will watch them get sick and get better. You will watch them succeed and fail. You will watch them get married, get divorced, get pregnant and yes, eventually, you will watch them die. Or they will watch you die. So this is what I believe friendship means. And I’m sorry to have to put such a heavy burden on you. But you have put the same burden on me.
"Fuck that. If you weren't here, I would've introduced that bunch of Heathens to my special brand of fucked up." "And get yourself killed?" "Will you cry at my funeral?" "Lan! Don't joke about nonsense like that." "But I want to know. Will you?" I sigh as I help him into the passenger seat. "You're my twin brother." And?" He looks at me expectantly, like a fucking hyena who's waiting to pounce on its prey. Or maybe it's just expectation and I'm reading too much into it. "And that means I wouldn't be the same without you. Not that you share the sentiment." I start to close the door, but he shoves his foot against it, keeping it open. "You know, that's your problem, Bran. You always assume things about me instead of fucking talking to me. It's a nasty habit that needs to go." He holds my gaze with his identical one. "I wouldn't be the same without you, either, twat. You're part of me."
Güneşi yalnızca kar yağmaya başlayınca özlersin. Passenger - Let Her Go
...and Gansey turning to the passenger seat and asking, "What do you know about Welsh kings?"
"Everything you touch surly dies" Passenger-let her go 2012 den beri her gece dinleyerek uyuduğum yegâne şarkı ve hala bağışıklık kazanamadım kendisine :) Kim bilir bunca yıl boyunca dokunduğum ne çok şey öldü. Zihinde yaşayan hiç bir şey ölmez hatırlayamayıp öldürdüklerimden ise tüm kalbimle Özür diliyorum...
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