Francois Rabelais. He was a poet. And his last words were "I go to seek a Great Perhaps." That's why I'm going. So I don't have to wait until I die to start seeking a Great Perhaps.
Shakespeare'den Sonraki Tiyatro Yazarları
İlk resmi Poet Laureate, Restorasyon döneminin en tanınmış şairi John Dryden'dir ve "devlet şairi" anlamına gelen Poet Laureate'lik, İngiltere'de ünlü şairlere hâlâ bağışlanan bir unvandır.
Sayfa 264 - YAPI KREDİ YAYINLARI, 12. BASKIKitabı okuyor
Sometimes life’s most painful experiences can leave us eerily cold and a little mechanical. The poet Emily Dickinson described it as “a formal feeling”; the heart seems stiff and detached, our feelings wary and ceremonious. “This is the Hour of Lead,” wrote Dickinson. But, she reassures us, it too will pass. First there is a “Chill,” she wrote; “then Stupor—then the letting go—”
Herkes gaybı kendi gönlünün aydınlığı ölçüsüne göre görür. Gönül aynasını daha fazla cilâlayan daha ziyade gö­rür.
For the first time in the whole of history, all Germans – students and poets, peasants and noblemen – joined forces against their rulers to liberate themselves. But it wasn’t as easy as that. Napoleon was all-powerful. The great German poet Goethe said at the time: ‘Shake your chains how you may,the man is too great for you!’ And indeed, for a long time no amount of inspiration or heroism could match the might of Napoleon. What finally brought him down was his insatiable ambition.
“Gizdökümcü türün tanımlayıcı özelliği, kendini aklama peşinde olan şairin yeraltına inmesidir.” “The defining characteristic of confessional genre is the descant into the underworld of the poet who is in the pursuit of self-justification.”
Sayfa 19 - EverestKitabı okudu
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