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Many important aspects of music reproduction seem to come naturally to tubed amplifiers. They generally have superb presentation of instrumental timbres, smooth and unfatiguing treble, and spectacular soundstaging. The hard, brittle, edgy midrange and treble of many solid-state amplifiers is contrasted with the purity of timbre and sense of ease conveyed by a good tubed amp. Music has a warmth, ease, and natural musicality when reproduced by many tubed designs. The soundstage has an expansive quality, with a sense of bloom around instrumental images
Sayfa 108Kitabı okudu
"Our sheer capacity for feeling got to be so unwieldy that we staggered under it, like Atlas with the weight of the world." I sigh, and the freshness of the air derails me. How long will it take, I wonder, for me to get used to it again? My chest aches, and maybe it's the unfamiliar purity of the air, but maybe not. "The thing about Shakespeare is, he's so eloquent ... He speaks the unspeakable. He turns grief and triumph and rapture and rage into words, into something we can understand. He renders the whole mystery of humanity comprehensible." I stop. Shrug. "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Sayfa 253Kitabı okudu
Purity is not stupidity... Saflık, aptallık değildir...
Perhaps the closest England has come to having an institutionalized academy is the Society for Pure English, founded in 1913 by the poet Robert Bridges, who was concerned by the ‘advancing decay’ of English caused by the laziness of its speakers. Bridges attracted an impressive number of distinguished academic supporters for his mission to improve the language as an aid for ‘the intercommunication of ideas’. Yet, alongside his desire to promote intercultural harmony was a darker purpose that sought to root out the ‘blundering corruptions’ caused by those ‘communities of other-speaking races’ whose imperfect acquisition of the English language was infecting and mutilating the superior tongue. Bridges’ conflicted aims demonstrate how attempts to purify and control English are often driven by social, moral, and racial agendas; by seeking to keep English pure, Bridges was really concerned with the purity of its speakers.
632 syf.
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27 günde okudu
Franzen; problemli aileleri ve onların kendileri kadar problemli ilişkilerini ele almayı, uzun uzadıya anlatmayı çok seviyor belli ki. Sevdiği gibi bu olay örgüsünü öyle güzel dallandırıp budaklandırıyor ki 632 sayfa bittiğinde, saatlerce hatta günlerce devam eden bir sınav maratonunu başarıyla atlatmış gibi hissedebilirsiniz
SaflıkJonathan Franzen · Sel Yayıncılık · 201838 okunma
Der Einsame an Gott
I am lonely, God, shaken by the storms of fate. Unloved and abandoned I struggle in this hostile night. My heart grows heavy, and grows bitter each time I think of you. You are a blind God, full of cruelties, full of actions we do not understand. Why do you, you who have the power, why do you let the monsters and the scoundrels be happy, while the
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