There Beren came from mountains cold, And lost he wandered under leaves, And where the Elven-river rolled. He walked along and sorrowing.
It doesn't take a crisis for most of us to understand that we can change our behavior, but the prospect of changing our identity seems threatening or impossible to most. Breaking away from our core beliefs about who we are gives us the most intense pain, and some people would even go so far as to kill themselves to preserve those beliefs. This was
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun; Conspiring with him how to load and bless With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run; To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees, And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core; To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells With a sweet kernel; to
Jason Porath
"Genghis once conquered the neighboring Khwarezmian Empire. Right after taking control, he decided to erase it from existence, burning towns to the ground and killing everyone in its government. He went so far as to divert a river through the deposed emperor’s birthplace, wiping it off the map."
168 syf.
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Soseki'ye Hong sang-soo'nun bir filminde rastlamıştım. Bu kitapta da hotel by the river tadı aldım nedense, aynı kökten beslenen bir zarafet mevcut. Ruhsal olarak iyi hissetmediğim birkaç günde okuyunca bu hissiyat kitaba da yansıdı ve bağlanamadım. Fakat devam edince bir bağ hasıl olabildi. Uzakdoğulu yazarların takdir ettiğim bir özelliği; Batı ile aralarındaki farkı tesbit edip bunu tenkit edebilme becerisine haiz olmaları, çok örnek alınası buluyorum bu farkındalık halini.
Üç Köşeli Dünya
Üç Köşeli DünyaNatsume Soseki · Konu Kitap Yayınları · 20201,092 okunma
I don’t believe in symbolic gods. I believe that the real god exists all around us. In the flow of the river, in the rustle of the trees, in the whisper of the winds. He speaks to us all the time. All we need to do is listen.
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