80 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
“I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.” -From the 1994 movie The worst thing about this novel is how distorted it has become by constant movie adaptations and misinformed ideas about the nature of Frankenstein and his
FrankensteinMary Shelley · Oxford University Press · 200814.1k okunma
272 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Even though I am not sufficiently equipped with ample knowledge about Ottoman history, I want to introduce this book. That is because there are a lot of historical books about Ottoman Empire but most of them were not written objectively. As you know, a handful of historian endeavour to find out the truths, others try to dictate their one-sided ideas by means of history. In this book, there are nine well-prepared academic articles on the fundamental characteristics of the Ottoman Empire and its relations with Europe. Every articles nearly related to each others in terms of chronology. In particular first article begins to the rudiments of Ottoman Empire and its society. For instance, communications, popular meeting places and rituals. And then the book goes on with The Ottoman Ruler, Janissaries and the 'Ulema. Third article is about comments on sultanism which is really rough for people who are not history students. Moreover, İnalcık does not forget mention about changes in society, westernization and Atatürk's inkilâb. Withouth doubt, there are more than that, for example, The Turkish influence on the development of modern Europe. To sum up, if you read this book, you will exactly comprehend that without Ottoman history you would never understand Europe.
The Ottoman Empire and Europe
The Ottoman Empire and EuropeHalil İnalcık · Kronik Kitap · 201734 okunma
250 syf.
4/10 puan verdi
Read in 1 hours
I met with Marshall in person and he is a very nice person. However, his famous book is kind of disappointing, too rudimentary. Having said that it defines a basic framework on changing behavior of highly successful people.
What Got You Here Won't Get You There
What Got You Here Won't Get You ThereMarshall Goldsmith · Random House Audio · 20073 okunma