Donatella demeyin artık anısı var diyoruz
“I’m surprised you’re so judgmental,” said Chaos. “I heard about what you did with that princess. What was her name— Diana?” “I have no idea who you’re talking about,” Jacks said smoothly, though Evangeline noticed him tense just as he had when LaLa had said that Jacks had been obsessed with Princess Donatella.
Irresolute, unhardy, unadventrous. But I will bring thee where thou soon shalt quit Those rudiments, and see before thine eyes The monarchies of the Earth, their pomp and state— Sufficient introduction to inform.
Androjen insensitivite sendromu:
Testiküler feminizasyon X'e bağlı resesif geçer Androjen reseptörlerindeki defektten kaynaklanır. Genotip 46,XY iken, fenotipin dışı olması ile karakterizedir (erkek psödohermafroditizm). Uterus yokluğu, kör sonlanan vajina, aksilla ve pubik kullanma eksikliği ve amenore görülür. Olguların yarısından fazlasında inguinal hermi vardır (inmemiş testis). Memeler büyük ve anormal görünümlüdür. Boy uzundur, el ve ayaklar büyüktür At nalı böbrek görülebilir Rudimenter fallop tüplerinde, fibromüsküler doku ve nadiren epitel görülebilir Testisler karında veya inguinal kanalda olup immatür germ ve sertoli hücrelerinden meydana gelir, sperm oluşumu yoktur. %5-10 oranında gonadal tümör gelişme riski vardır, bu nedenle 16-18 yaşında gonadektomi yapılması ve ardından hormon replasman tedavisine başlanılması önerilmektedir. Puberteden önce malignite gelişimi gösterilmediğinden, sekonder cinsiyet karakterleri geliştikten sonra gonadektomi yapılması önerilmektedir İnkomplet formlarında (%10 oranında görülür) klitoral büyüme, aksiller ve pubik kıllanma mevcuttur Bu olgularda gonadektomi, virilizasyonun önlenmesi amacıyla, puberte beklenmeden hemen yapılmalıdır
Sayfa 240Kitabı okudu
“İbtidai sistemlərdə, mümkündür ki, din avam kütlələri çətinliklərə mübarizədə istiqamətləndirmək və ölkə daxilində asayişi qorumaq üçün faydalı idi. Ancaq hazırda faydasız rudiment kimi kəsilib atılmalıdır. Onun yerini elm, texnika, fəlsəfə və vicdan doldura bilir”
Sayfa 165Kitabı okudu
“I’m surprised you’re so judgmental,” said Chaos. “I heard about what you did with that princess. What was her name— Diana?” “I have no idea who you’re talking about,” Jacks said smoothly, though Evangeline noticed him tense just as he had when LaLa had said that Jacks had been obsessed with Princess Donatella.
Chapter 40Kitabı okudu
For ‘mafia’ was widely taken to refer not to an organization, but to a mixture of violent passion and ‘Arabic’ pride that supposedly dictated Sicilian behaviour. ‘Mafia’, as viewed by many, was a primitive notion of honour, a rudimentary code of chivalry obeyed by the backward people of the Sicilian countryside.
At times the debates have been extreme, especially on the side of the Normanists, with Adolf Hitler infamously stating: ‘Unless other peoples, beginning with the Vikings, had imported some rudiments of organisation into Russian humanity, the Russians would still be living like rabbits.’ With statements like this, it’s not difficult to understand the opposition to Viking connections and the dilemma for Slavic scholars forced to choose between a view crediting a superior, foreign people with creating their entire nation or an alternative story that is at odds with the written sources.
Bilindiği gibi cezaevi sistemi bireyle devlet arasında, arada hiçbir aracı olmadan, doğrudan muhataplık üzerine kurulmuş bir sistem. Böyle olduğu için tutsaklar her an devletin, devlet de her an tutsakların gerçek yüzünü görme şansına sahip oluyor. Otoriter devletlerin tümü için geçerli olan bu durumu ve tutsakların gözünden bu devletlerin görünme
Sayfa 151 - Dipnot YayınlarıKitabı okudu
If we define a “primitive language” as something that resembles the rudimentary “me sleep here” type of English—a language with only a few hundred words and without the grammatical means of expressing any finer nuances—then it is a simple empirical fact that no natural language is primitive. Hundreds of languages of simple tribes have now been studied in depth, but not one of them, be it spoken by the most technologically and sartorially challenged people, is on the “me sleep here” level.
içgüdüsel çığlıklar
Darwin argues for the genesis of human language from rudimentary animal communication, thus echoing Herder’s belief that human speech has its origin in the imitation of natural sounds. Darwin “cannot doubt that language owes its origin to the imitation and modifications of various natural sounds, the voices of other animals, and man’s own instinctive cries, aided by signs and gestures.”
Sayfa 191
Schopenhauer ile benzer yönü
His philological and literary work earned him widespread fame at a young age. Yet he was always financially dependent on his parents—a benevolent but uncomprehending and rigidly conventional father and a withholding, judgmental mother (maternal imagery in Leopardi’s poetry is usually negative)
Türkiye'nin evrensel değerlerle kucaklaşmasına, Türkiye'nin İslamî kalıntılardan, "rudiment'lerden kurtulmasına ramak kaldı. Bu keyifli kucaklaşmaya nefretle bakan ben kucaklaşanların keyfini kaçıracak şeyler yazmağa çalışıyorum. Kafirlerin kucaklaşmasını iğrenç buluyorum. Kucaklaşan her iki tarafi düşmanım belledim.
Sayfa 201
There are two kinds of vision: the seeing of things, which belongs to the science of optics, versus the seeing beyond things, which results from deprivation. Man mocking the dark, rejecting worlds you do not know: though the dark is full of obstacles, it is possible to have intense awareness when the field is narrow and the signals few. Night has bred in us thought more focused than yours, if rudimentary: man the ego, man imprisoned in the eye, there is a path you cannot see, beyond the eye’s reach, what the philosophers have called the via negativa: to make a place for light the mystic shuts his eyes—illumination of the kind he seeks destroys creatures who depend on things.
An amoeba is closer to understanding than a computer, for it has some rudimentary sensation of feeling (e.g. it detects food).
Sayfa 36
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