516 syf.
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First Principles is Herbert Spencer's huge prospectus to the rest of his work, the synthetic philosophy. Spencer divides truth into the Unknowable and Knowable. Whether god(s) exists or not, whether the universe is eternal or was created is unknowable. We can't conceive of self-creation, eternity, or nothingness. This makes the positions
First Principles
First PrinciplesHerbert Spencer · Sutton Press · 20081 okunma
368 syf.
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'Postcolonial' has emerged as a trend in literary and cultural research in search of addressing cultural conditions specific to newly independent societies. Its aim was primarily to demonstrate and subvert the cultural and psychological dimensions of colonial rule, recognizing that internal subjugation continued even long after the
Hindistan'a Bir Geçit
Hindistan'a Bir GeçitE. M. Forster · İletişim Yayınevi · 2009308 okunma
280 syf.
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Applications and Advantages of Sustainable Architecture
First of all, this is not a review, but a study in the form of a preparatory article. I will not promote the book, I will fill in the theme and context that the book presents to me with my own concepts. (I also want to try to write something in English, I thought it appropriate to start with the simple.) | Applications and Advantages of
Biomimetics in Architecture
Biomimetics in ArchitecturePetra Gruber · Ambra Publisher · 20103 okunma
174 syf.
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İngilizce severler buraya :)
Sexing the Cherry Postmodernism has become an important part of our life and culture in many ways. Although it is a very common word in today's world, it cannot be expressed as a complete definition. Postmodernism is known for its rebellious approach and willingness to test boundaries. It is an indisputable fact that the word ‘master narrative’
Vişnenin Cinsiyeti
Vişnenin CinsiyetiJeanette Winterson · Sel Yayınları · 20191,750 okunma