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Sayfa 125 - Arkadya YayınlarıKitabı okudu
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
In the months before traveling to the Moon, Apollo 11 astronauts trained in a deserted lunar-like desert in the western United States. This area was home to many Native American communities. There is a story about a dialogue between a local and astronauts: One day, during training, the astronauts encounter an old Indian. The man asks what they are doing there. Astronauts say they will soon be part of a research trip to the Moon. When the old man hears this, he stays silent for a moment, then asks the astronauts to do him a favor. Astronauts asked, "What do you want?" he asks. The old man said, “People in my tribe believe that holy spirits live on the Moon. I wanted to ask you to convey to them an important message from my people." Astronauts asked "What is the message?" he asks. The man mumbles something in his own language and then tells the astronauts to repeat it until they memorize it. Astronauts asked, "What does this mean?" he asks. The man said, "I can't tell you that." "A secret only my tribe and the moon spirits will know." says. After returning to the base, the astronauts, after much effort, find someone who can speak the local language and ask them to experience the message. When they say what they memorized, the translator starts laughing. When he finally calmed down, he heard the words carefully memorized by the astronauts: "Don't believe anything these men tell you." They have come to steal your land." says it is.
Sayfa 283Kitabı okudu
~ Çoğumuz seyahat eder gibi, benliğimizden kaçar gibi okuyoruz. ~
Sayfa 91 - Dergâh Yayınları
" İki kalbin anlaşması ilkbaharı yüz yıl uzatır.."
Sayfa 89 - İthaki yayınlarıKitabı okudu
Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi hazretleri buyuruyor ki;
"Ömrün bindiğin bir gemidir. Bir gemi ile sen seyahat ediyorsun. Dünya ise alttaki deniz gibidir. O altta oldukça, sen de gemiyi düzgün yönettikçe selamete çıkarsın. Fakat deniz suyu geminin içine girerse onu batırır. Dünya ayağının altında olsun Ona bas ama sevgisini kalbine sokma!"
“Asla bilmediğim bir yer orası, sensizliğe seyahat ediyorum…”
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