Ne Okusam?
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Ankara, Kuvayı Milliye'nin merkezi olduğu günlerde küçük bir şehirdi. Yolları dardı. Evleri kerpiçtendi. Şehir ve civarı ağaçsızdı. Her yer toz içindeydi. Meskenlerin büyük çoğunluğunda akarsu ve elektrik yoktu. Taşhan'da tek bir sinema, park, gazino ve "bar" bulunurdu. Kiralar, ateş pahasıydı. Yerli halk, sonradan taşınmış
Sayfa 30 - Yaşar Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı YayınlarıKitabı okudu
Cesur olabilmek için önce korkmak gerekir.
Depremden nasıl korunabiliriz?Hadi sarkaç yapalım :)
The Taipei 101 skyscraper, dünyanın en yüksek binalarından biridir ve büyük bir fay hattından 660 fit uzağa inşa edilmiştir. Tepesine yakın bu nesne, binaların sallanmasını azaltmak için bir sarkaç gibi davranan bir damperdir. İşte 6.9 büyüklüğündeki deprem: youtube.com/shorts/qnSh8C40... Ayrıntılı bilgi için: atlasobscura.com/places/tuned-ma...
Wherever you are, look in the phone book. Read the business section of your newspaper. A lot of major metropolitan newspapers publish quarterly a list of banks which are looking for borrowers. Call the business desk of your newspaper and secure a copy of the most recent edition of that report. Ranging further afield, such magazines as Entrepreneur and Inc. periodically publish a state-by-state list of financial institutions that seek to publicize their desire to lend capital. So you shouldn't necessarily limit your search for financing to your local market or even your state. In fact, I would strongly recommend you go outside your local market, no matter where you are. Of course those banks aggressively using traditional advertising have money to get on the street. Those banks advertising on the Internet also have money to lend. (…) So, using all the resources available, make a list of banks which begins with "First Megabig Bank" headquartered in the tallest skyscraper in the state... and ends with "Community Comer Bank," down at the strip mall by the tattoo parlor. Then you do some homework to find out who the managers are of your most likely prospect, and who the lending officers are. Go down the list, call each bank and ask. The names of these bank officers are not a state secret. Stop by and ask the receptionist or even the security guard. What financial institutions are most likely to lend you the money you need? At the very top of the list is any newly opened branch office. Why? New banks have no customers. They are stacked to the ceiling with money they need to shovel out the door in order to begin generating income. And they're run by a shiny new manager who has a desperate need to prove himself by generating loans.
Sayfa 138Kitabı okudu
Not every city has an art deco skyscraper or centuries-old cathedrals, but buildings—big and small, old and new, lavish and utilitarian—are everywhere.
Sayfa 7
Modern man is denying his finitude with the same dedication as the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, but now whole masses are playing the game, and with a far richer armamentarium of techniques. The skyscraper buildings, the cloverleaf freeways, the houses with their imposing façades and immaculate lawns—what are these if not the modern equivalent of
Skies are crying, I am watching
jango.com/music/Demi+Lovato Skies are crying, I am watching Catching teardrops in my hands Only silence, as it's ending Like we never had a chance Do you have to make me feel like There's nothing left of me?
Demi Lovato - Skyscraper
Sahip olduğum her şeyi alabilirsin. Her şeyimi yıkabilirsin. Camdan yapılmışım gibi, Kağıttan yapılmışım gibi. Devam et ve beni yıkmayı dene. Bir gökdelen gibi yerden yükseliyor olacağım. 🌟
Cesur olabilmek için önce korkmak gerekir..
He said, "Wright, this thing is tall. What's the matter with a tall building?" Well, there it was, tall!