İmam Cavad(ə) bəzi dostlarına yazaraq buyurdu: "Bu dünyada bir-birimizdən ayrıyıq. Lakin axirətdə kimin fikri və inancı dostunun fikri və inancı ilə eyni olarsa, harada olurlarsa olsunlar onlar birlikdədirlər. Daimi yurd axirət yurdudur". - İbn Şöbə Hərrani, "Tuhəful-uqul", səh. 490
“But I’ll be scarred for life,” I sob, hitting my chest again. “Right here.” “Scars mean you are alive and strong enough to survive. I’ll worship each of your scars until you’re able to face them, Lenochka.” “Why would you?” “I told you. Because I want to.” “What if you stop wanting to?” “That won’t happen. You have my word.”
A sob tears from my throat. “Don’t ever do that again! I thought you were dying. What am I supposed to do if you die?” His wet fingers stroke my hair and he tugs me closer to him. “That means you’ll be free of me and I don’t like that idea, sweetheart.” I snort in his chest, breathing him in. “You’re incurable.” “For you?” He kisses the top of my head. “Always, sweetheart.”
Elsa-Aiden.Kitabı okudu
“There,” he whispers before biting down on my ear. “Good girl.” “I hate you,” I murmur. “I hate you.” “If you say that one more time, I’m going to fuck you in a more public place. I’ll make the entire world see how much you hate me while you’re bouncing on my cock and screaming my fucking name.” My eyes fly open and I gasp through the sob. I know, I just know that Aiden’s threats aren’t empty ones. The crazy psycho would do it.
Elsa-Aiden.Kitabı okudu
‪”You’re hurting me,” he whispered.‬ ‪It was like being doused in ice water. Repulsed, she gave a sharp sob and‬ jerked her hand away from his neck.
Zira hapishaneler dine sob derece bağlı olan ve bunqbrağmen cinayet işleyen ya da dinin emirlerine karşı gelerek başkalarına tecavüz eden insanlarla doludur.
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