Sacred and Terrible Smell
What was that sacred and terrible, elusive smell in the air this time? My name is Ambrosius Saint-Miro, the locals call me “Ambrosius Pyhä-Mirä” and in Graad they call me “Svjata-Mira”. “Diduska?” they ask, their eyes wide with affection, but I answer them: “No. I am not your diduska.” I am Ambrosius Santa-Mira from Mesque, Ambrosio Hagiamira, I
Sayfa 60 - Unofficial English TranslationKitabı okudu
“Well, if you see them,” called the girl, “thank Serena for the apartment. Oh, and tell Eli he sucks.” “Will do,” called Victor as the three made their way back to the car.
The Blinds I moved to Philadelphia for some peace and quiet after New York City. After paying a week’s rent in a roominghouse, I walked down the street to look for the nearest bar. Half a block. I walked in and sat down. It was the poor part of town and the bar was fifty years old. You could smell the urine and shit of one-half a century wafting
Warren bent down, taking Kate's hand in his own. "Thank you." he said softly, lifting it to his lips. "You're such a good girl." The phrase rounded her eyes. Slowly, the tips of her lips edged up into a relaxed smile. Ensuring they were alone, Warren let his hand snake up her neck, coming to rest just below her ear. "My good girl." he whispered possessively.
“You’ve been waiting for me to kiss you?” She came out from hiding and looked into my eyes with the sweetest grin on her face. “Ever since I was a little girl.” Kissing me on the cheek, she added, “Thank you for making my dream come true.” My heart ached with love for a little girl who in some ways had always belonged to me. “Was it worth the wait?” I asked, my voice gruff, my heart thundering in my chest. She scrunched up her nose, her eyes focused on my lips. “The jury is still out. You think we can try again, maybe?”
“You sure took your time,” she said, hiding her face against my neck as soon as the words left her delectable mouth. Her warm breath was whispering her longing against my skin. Ignoring the room full of people around us, I asked, “You’ve been waiting for me to kiss you?” She came out from hiding and looked into my eyes with the sweetest grin on her face. “Ever since I was a little girl.” Kissing me on the cheek, she added, “Thank you for making my dream come true."
Jason ThornKitabı okudu