I love the dynamics of negotiation. Skillful negotiators, of which I am among the best, are forceful, persistent, perceptive and patient. I thrive on seeking out and defining my opponent's comfort zone, that imaginary box (…), and then placing an offer on the inside rim of that comfort zone closest to my own best interests. This delicate
Sayfa 106Kitabı okudu
“It’s just a story. Stories have to end sometime. Hell, did you watch The Sopranos? Sometimes stories just stop. Shit just goes black. Wham, bam, over. No more, nothing left, the end.” She makes a face. “That sucks.” “Yeah, well, life sucks, Scarlet,” I say. “You know that as well as anyone. Sometimes beasts are just fucking beasts, no matter how much you love them, Belle. It’s a fact. I’ve seen love bring a monster back to life before, but most of the time, the monster just loves you to death.” “A white picket fence,” I say, something clicking after a moment. That’s what she said outside. You’ve got a white picket fence. “Is that what you want? To be proven wrong? For some happily ever after to come along and sweep you off your feet? Take you away from this bullshit life and give you your picket fence?” “You’re an asshole, Lorenzo.” “That doesn’t sound like a denial.” “Is it so wrong to want to be happy?” “Is that what makes you happy? Really?” She noncommittally shrugs a shoulder. “Well, if it is, you’re barking up the wrong tree,” I say, “because I can’t give you that. Don’t let the fence out there fool you. Around here, it’s just a fence. It came with a house that I bought because my brother liked it. Nothing more. But what I can offer, Scarlet, is to stand in your corner. You and I, we can be the best of friends, but don’t expect to find your fairy tale under my roof. You got me?” She stares me down.
Sayfa 155 - CreateSpace, no problem Lorenzo, peri masalını yaşamayı istemiyoruz zaten kflfkh
The Black Cat
1/2 … And then came, as if to my final and irrevocable overthrow, the spirit of PERVERSENESS. Which I am sure is one of the primitive impulses of the human heart — one of the indivisible primary faculties, or sentiments, which give direction to the character of Man. Who has not, a hundred times, found himself commiting a vile or a silly action, for no other reason than because he knows he should not? Have we not a perpetual inclination, in the teeth of our best judgement, to violate that which is Law, merely because we understand it to be such? It was this unfathomable longing of the soul to vex itself — to offer violence to its own nature — to do wrong for the wrong’s sake only — that urged me to continue and consummate the injury I had inflicted upon the unoffending brute…
Sayfa 141Kitabı okudu
If you surround yourself with people who support your upward aim, they will not tolerate your cynicism and destructiveness. They will instead encourage you when you do good for yourself and others and punish you carefully when you do not. This will help bolster your resolve to do what you should do, in the most appropriate and careful manner.
Sayfa 82 - Rule 3Kitabı okudu
When I mention a board of directors, your first reaction might be, hey this is just a little hip pocket company. Isn’t a board of directors sort of premature? Not at all. Directors are your first and most immediate requirement. You wouldn't think of playing a baseball game, and fielding every position with no other players with no other
Time is the greatest weapon you have. Patiently keep in mind a long-term goal and neither person nor army can resist you. And charm is the best way of playing for time, of widening your options in any situation. Through charm you can seduce your enemy into backing off, giving you the psychological space to plot an effective counterstrategy. The key is to make other people emotional while you remain detached. They may feel grateful, happy, moved, arrogant—it doesn't matter, as long as they feel. An emotional person is a distracted person. Give them what they want, appeal to their self-interest, make them feel superior to you. When a baby has grabbed a sharp knife, do not try to grab it back; instead, stay calm, offer candy, and the baby will drop the knife to pick up the tempting morsel you offer.
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