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Spirit of Capitalism
> "It was the power of religious influence, not alone, but more than anything else, which created the differences of which we are conscious to-day” Max Weber saw reformation as a new form of religion control, not elimination of Church’s ones. His aim focused on finding intimate relationship between asceticism and capitalism. He
Ortadoğu'da yaşamak..
Dönüp yürümeye başladığımda, filmlerin finalle­rinde olduğu gibi, sırtımda sanki THE END, yazacaktı. Dönüp baktım; yazmıyordu. Yaşama devam etmek zo­rundaydım.
Alexander pushed his unruly black curls back from his face and said, "Well, obviously Richard will be Caesar." "Because we all secretly want to kill him?" James asked. Richard arched one dark eyebrow. "Et tu, Bruté?" "Sic semper tyrannis," James said, and drew the tip of his pen across his throat like a dagger. Thus always to tyrants. Alexander gestured from one of them to the other. "Exactly," he said. "James will be Brutus because he's always the good guy, and I'll be Cassius because I'm always the bad guy. Richard and Wren can't be married because that would be gross, so she'll be Portia, Meredith will be Calpurnia, and Pip, you'll end up in drag again."
Vahiy 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
I can remember how when I was young I believed death to be a phenomenon of the body; now I know it to be merely a function of the mind — and that of the minds of the ones who suffer the bereavement. The nihilists say it is the end; the fundamentalists, the beginning; when in reality it is no more than a single tenant or family moving out of a tenement or a town.
Sayfa 38 - PeabodyKitabı okuyor
It takes two people to make you, and one people to die. That's how the world is going to end.
Sayfa 34 - DarlKitabı okuyor
She no longer wanted to quietly sit at the end of a story. She wanted to keep stepping into new ones. She wanted to love, to discover, to feel. She wanted a life that felt like running through a field of wildflowers and then finding a gate at the end that led into an enchanted unknown. And she wanted to do it all with Jacks.
~ the end ~
❝ Kişi, başkalarının girişimiyle değil, bizzat kendi girişimiyle yok olur. ❞
İnsanoğlu kendisine sunulan dünyanın gerçekliğini kabul eder. Ben Truman’a normal bir hayat yaşama şansı verdim. Bu dünya, yani senin yaşadığın yer ; asıl kötü olan orası. How’s it going to end ? Rozetini beğendim, ben de bunu kendi içimde çok merak ediyorum. Hiçbir şey gerçek değil miydi ? Sen gerçektin. Seni izlenmek için bu kadar güzel kılanda buydu.. Günaydın :) Olur ya belki görüşemeyiz ; iyi günler, iyi akşamlar ve iyi geceler ! | The Truman Show , 1998 |
The End
"Oku. Ekonomik durumun ne olursa olsun oku. İster fakir, ister orta direk, ister zengin ol yine oku." Mevlana
Nights in white satin. Never reaching the end... ‘Cause I love you, yes I love you... Letters are written never meaning to send.
"A kids' story,'said the Doctor. 'Thing is, kids' stories are some of the most gruesome and grisly tales ever told! Grimms' fairy tales! Roald Dahl! Beatrix Potter, even! Toes cut off, eyes poked out or dancing in red-hot shoes for eternity! Put in pies, torn part or, if you're really lucky, just dying of sorrow at the end! If we're stuck in a kids' story, it's not gonna be all picnics and unicorns, I can tell you that now."
Her zaman mutlu son mu olacak dediler ama bilmiyorlar ki mutlu sonu gören nadir kişiler var şu hayatta. The end.
Dante captured my mouth in a proper kiss, and the party, the music, the guests…they were all gone, obliterated by the heat of his touch. It seeped into my chest and my veins, filling me with warmth from the inside out. The type that existed only when you reached the end of a long journey... and found home.
Sayfa 450Kitabı okudu
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