The End
"Yaşadığı her günü bir mucize olarak görecekti kız ki, kırılgan yaşamlarımızın her anında başımıza gelebilecek beklenmedik olayları düşünecek olursak, her yeni gün bir mucizedir."
And I know, I just know, that if she’s gone, I’ll make sure it’s the end for me as well.
For a moment, my whole world goes black. And I know, I just know, that if she’s gone, I’ll make sure it’s the end for me as well.
The good must crucify the one who invents his own virtue! This is the truth! The second one, however, who discovered their land, the land, hearts and soil of the good and just: he was the one who asked: “Whom do they hate the most?” The creator they hate the most; he who breaks tablets and old values, the breaker – him they call the lawbreaker. Because the good, you see – they can not create: they are always the beginning of the end – they crucify the one who writes new values on new tablets, they sacrifice the future to themselves – they crucify all future humanity! The good – they were always the beginning of the end.
On Old and New TabletsKitabı okuyor
It was another of the many serendipitous things that always made me feel like we were destined to end up in the same place, together, if only we could make it that far.
"By the end of this century, human intelligence will have increased a billionfold." Bu yüzyılın sonuna kadar insan zekasının milyar kat artacağını öngörmektedir.
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