222 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
7 günde okudu
Dikkat! İncelemede bahsedilen çoğu kaynak İngilizce dilindedir. Tolkien'i sadece legendarium'ı ile tanımak yetmez; onun bu efsaneyi yaratmasıyla sonuçlanan mesleki merakını da anlamak gerekir. Bildiğiniz üzere Tolkien bir filolog. Kendi mitolojisini ve dilini yaratan bir filolog. *Burada diğer fantastik kurgu yazarlarına ASLA diss
A Secret Vice
A Secret ViceJ. R. R. Tolkien · HarperCollins Publishers · 20167 okunma
380 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
4 günde okudu
Sigurd ile Gudrun Efsanesi... Türkçe'sini edinemeyince kütüphaneden İngilizce'sini bulup kaptım hemen. Yapacağım inceleme objektif olamayabilir. Şiirden bu kadar haz etmeyip keyif aldığım tek edebiyat türünün fantastik/mitolojik olması beni yoruyor. Bu kitap da Germanic mitolojide görebileceğimiz Völsungları konu alıyor kısaca. Sigurd adında bir
The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún
The Legend of Sigurd and GudrúnJ. R. R. Tolkien · Houghton Mufflin Harcourt · 2009148 okunma
389 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
4/5 Stars (%79/100) It is obvious that Tolkien was heavily inspired by a variety of myths and mythological characters. However, it seems that he was really interested in Norse mythology not only because of this book. Tolkien borrowed many names from Norse mythology either directly or changing it slightly. (This can be observed especially with the names of the dwarves in The Hobbit) Some of the stories in Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales are also similar to Norse myths. Sigurd is a famous hero that slew the greedy dragon Fafnir. (Previously a famous dwarf) The myth of Sigurd does not end with Fafnir. Perhaps even more famous story is about him is his relationship between Gudrun and indirectly Brynhild. Völsunga Saga talks about Sigurd in great detail. Tolkien was interested in these tales and wanted to contribute to it. These tales are of grief, love, and sorrow which is very prominent in many of Tolkien's other works. This is a great book that needs more love. So, if you are interested in mythology and Tolkien, you should one hundred percent check this book out.
The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún
The Legend of Sigurd and GudrúnJ. R. R. Tolkien · Houghton Mufflin Harcourt · 2009148 okunma
Old English verse has an attraction in places that is immediate. But Old English verse does not attempt to hit you in the eye. To hit you in the eye was the deliberate intention of the Norse poet.
Yara en çok avucunun içindeyse sana aittir; Sıkarsın avucunu, Canın yanar ama senden başka kimse bilmez neden acıdığını..
The Prophecy of the Sibyl
Then darkened shall the sunlight be, and Earth shall founder under sea, and from the cloven heavens all the gleaming stars shall flee and fall; the steam shall rise in roaring spires and heaven's roof be licked with fires.
Sayfa 364Kitabı okudu